everything about your dogs

What do you think of China's new rule of one dog per family ?

China last year slaughtered over 50,000 dogs due to a scare of rabies. So one dog per family is a way to cull dogs.
I think it's outrageously stupid and cruel. Families should be allowed to have as many dogs as they want. Well, within reason. The Chinese should've created a vaccination for the rabies, not slaughtered innocent dogs.
although i dont entirely agree with it, they have to do what they have to do, but should also introduce legislation to de-sex animals before they reproduce
i think that it is a better idea then what they were doing i saw pictures of them beating dogs to death with long clubs i cried it was so heartbreaking. though it will be hard for the families that do have more than one dog to choose which one they keep.
That would be a good idea. They just had too much human population population %26 dog population, and they have a lot of abusive problems. I have seen videos of people in China skining dogs alive and hitting those dogs, they are the craziest and most cruel people alive, all because of money. I really wish I can skin their children alive!!
We think this is absurd. There is no way to enforce the law, no way to effectively stop the arbitary breeding of street dogs, and no way to stop commercial breeders from breeding dogs that make so much money for them.
I think this is a horrible rule, however, China limits how many children you can have, why not limit pets? They do have a limited amount of space, so I guess I can see where that's going. Slaughtering of dogs just because they MIGHT have rabies? That's disgusting. Makes me want to hug my dogs when I get home!
its a great rule.Most of the population is in the urban areas. Think of all the waste the dogs would produce in those areas. While i think it will be hard to enforce in the countryside i think it is a good way to clean up the streets before the Olympics arrive
I think they are facing the reality of their resources and the world in general in a rational way by limiting each family to one dog. If they can put a limit on children, why should dogs be more of an issue?
It's abominable because so much slaughter could be avoided. However, I think the question falls into oblivion when you should consider the human tragedy of female babies being killed or abandoned because chinese couples can only have one child
Why don't they just require all dogs get rabies vaccinations? I think they've gone a little overboard. As intelligent as they are supposed to be they sure have a lot of problems. It's hard to believe only 30 percent of their dogs are vaccinated. So now it's one kid, one dog per family, what next?
They've had a policy of one baby per family for years, and children are dumped or murdered as a result. So I can't get as upset as I might.
I didn't hear that but it sounds intresting.Hum?.I wounder how they intend to get rid of the left overs and Farrel dogs? It's a well known fact that the dog like the rat are zodiac years signs but they eat their zodiac animals as well. they say it's good fortune I learned this when I saw them eating Bats! and Rats! Now that they have a plan to address the over population of Dogs, what are they going to do about the overcrowding of people?? dang..hope they get full on the critters first!! :)
No, I don't think China should be allowed to have ANY pets. They had their chance, and they ruined it by killing the dogs. Tough sh*t China, if you want animals then you shouldn't be slaughtering them. All animals in China should be exported and no more animals should be taken in to China. Maybe if they are nice for the next 200 years and don't abuse any more animals then they can get some back.
i think its *.
Good idea why do you need more than one dog ? does this include working dogs?
Not much different that the 2-3 dog limits in many townships in the states hugh? or the 3 PET limit (4 guppies %26 you're in violation)
I think you will find it's kids as in children.
That's a bunch of bologna!! if they don't want the dog don't they just ship it to America or any other country that actually wants the dogs. look at all the dogs that are slaughtered over a year. i call you a murder! no offense to chines people or food but DAMN YOU CHINA!
What do you think of the laws in the USA where you can only have 2? Or 3?

Its a way of culling dogs here too. Thanks to the animal 'rights' groups for pushing these stupid laws.
