hey GitEmGang there is indeed such a breed. Here in England our 2 bull terrier breeds are: Staffordshire bull terrier, and English bull terrier.
couldn't eat a whole one!
They are SOOO hot! Lol.
Demon dogs
What a beautiful dog, my partner thinks they are ugly. Sometimes I wounder what she sees in me?
depends on whom owns them and what u r using them for ie guard dogs or pets
i love em
Sigh.nobody knows enough to mention that there's NO SUCH THING? Like the ignorant who say"English bulldogs" ? Or "French poodles"?? Or "Chinese pugs"?
NO "modifier"! JUST Bull Terrier! They come White or Colored!
Beautiful , absolutley Beautiful. I think all Bull breeds are the best looking dogs, And in my experience the most friendliest.
Did you know that the English Bull terrier is considerd to be the gladiator of the dog world?