do you think cliping boxers ears are animal crulty my personel opinun i think yeh it is crule i would never do that to my boxer
I wouldn't necessarily say it's cruel, if it's done properly by a vet. The dog is put under anesthesia and given something for pain. HOWEVER, I do think it's unnecessary. Changing the way an animal looks won't make it a better pet.
Yes because would u want somebody clip off your ears.
Yes, I do, What is worse is when some one take a pair of scissors to a dogs ear, because they think they know what they are doing and think it will look cool.
Your spellings and grammar are even more cruel.
yea its extremely cruel that owners actually do thet to their dogs.any1 who does that does not deserve to hav a dog
I think they look better with the "floppy" ears God gave them. i have a Boston terrier and I did NOT have his ears docked for several reasons. I like him just the way he is.
no way. i think if you would think it hurts then don't do it to dogs or any other animals. i do think that is cruelty. that is suppose to make them meaner but i like my dogs to be nice.
I like the ears and the tails natural :)
looks (in my eyes ) cuter.
I think it is cruel and unnecessary, the people who do it are just altering the dog's appearance for their own gratification with no other appearance. Than again I guess we can not expect much when there are so many people who change their appearance through cosmetic surgery. But at least that is their choice to put themselves through it, the poor dog is just subjected to the pain.
I love the floppy look and cropping is painful.
I think it is cruel, the babies are born with floppy ears and they should stay that way. If they were suppose to be cropped then they would be born that way. My boss has one and she got it done to her, just because that is what you are suppose to do, not because you liked the way it looked, which is stupid to me.
I wouldn't necessarily say it's cruel, if it's done properly by a vet. The dog is put under anesthesia and given something for pain. HOWEVER, I do think it's unnecessary. Changing the way an animal looks won't make it a better pet.
Yes because would u want somebody clip off your ears.
Yes, I do, What is worse is when some one take a pair of scissors to a dogs ear, because they think they know what they are doing and think it will look cool.
Your spellings and grammar are even more cruel.
yea its extremely cruel that owners actually do thet to their dogs.any1 who does that does not deserve to hav a dog
I think they look better with the "floppy" ears God gave them. i have a Boston terrier and I did NOT have his ears docked for several reasons. I like him just the way he is.
no way. i think if you would think it hurts then don't do it to dogs or any other animals. i do think that is cruelty. that is suppose to make them meaner but i like my dogs to be nice.
I like the ears and the tails natural :)
looks (in my eyes ) cuter.
I think it is cruel and unnecessary, the people who do it are just altering the dog's appearance for their own gratification with no other appearance. Than again I guess we can not expect much when there are so many people who change their appearance through cosmetic surgery. But at least that is their choice to put themselves through it, the poor dog is just subjected to the pain.
I love the floppy look and cropping is painful.
I think it is cruel, the babies are born with floppy ears and they should stay that way. If they were suppose to be cropped then they would be born that way. My boss has one and she got it done to her, just because that is what you are suppose to do, not because you liked the way it looked, which is stupid to me.