I just got a puppy and I love her to death. I kiss her all the time and she seem to love licking my face as well.
Is that their way of "kissing" or showing their love? Also do they understand that when we kiss them is a sign of our love for them?
Is it bad if I let her lick my face, especially the my mouth area?
The truth is wolf puppies lick their mom's face so that the mom will regurgitate food for the puppy. Yum, yum. So when a dog licks a human's face, they want food. We have reinforced the licking with our ooohs and aaahs. And frankly, it's OK by me!
P.S. We carry more germs in our mouths than a dog ever could.
cuz she's (he's) givin u kisses!
she's licken you cause she loooooooves you! ;) also I don't think it is bad
She/He is loving you back.but the whole around your mouth i wouldnt do that anymore
Dogs do know when you like them, licking is a sign of liking to them. They do not understand kissing. Letting them lick your face and mouth will infect you with all sorts of nasty and harm full germs and bacteria
Next time Fido licks your face, think about want he's been licking.
Part of it is affection. Part of it is they like the taste of salt on our skin or the taste of whatever lotion you may have on your skin.
It's not bad but I would not suggest allowing them to lick you around your mouth due to the transfer of germs.
Best of Luck with the new Pup.
Dogs lick faces for several reasons:
a) It's a throw-back to their wolf ancestry. Wolves greet one another with mouth and muzzle licks after returning home from a hunt.
b) Puppies often lick their mother's mouth and muzzle looking for food. When the pups are about 4-5 weeks old, the mother will often regurgitate (vomit) her last meal to give them more food to eat. When hungry, the pups will then lick at the mother's face and mouth trying to get her to vomit again.
c) We also teach dogs to "kiss" us when we respond happily to being licked in the face.
d) In some dogs this can be a sign of dominance. If the dog can reach as high as your head he is displaying the fact that, in the pack heirarchy, he's on the "same level" as you are.
The problem with letting dogs lick your face is that they also lick everything else with their tongues, and if they've picked up germs, bacteria, worms or other parasites with their tongue they can transfer them to you. If you want to continue to let your dog lick your face, just make sure your dog is healthy and that you wash up afterwards.
Because your puppy loveeesss you.
I think pets understand us far more than what we give them credit for. What pets really understand are phrases we use over and over. Example say puppy's name with a exuberant I LOVE YOU! and a kiss. Use a different tone for No. They really understand different tones well. My cat will respond to Hi Sancho by the tone I use, with one simple meow. I know by her tone when she says "I'm hungry". So she's trained me to her tones as well. As for face licking, yeah pets have bacteria (who knows where that tongue was prior to your face), but lets face it - it's hard to turn down a kiss.
Is showing affection.
Is it bad to lick your mouth area? Well.put it this way.puppies also lick their butts..
No it's very natural.I own a dog too.Licking is a sign of love and believe it or not,it's cleaner to kiss a dog than another human being on the lips.
Yuk dont let a dog lick your face they lick their backsides. Yuk germs!
Is that their way of "kissing" or showing their love? Also do they understand that when we kiss them is a sign of our love for them?
Is it bad if I let her lick my face, especially the my mouth area?
The truth is wolf puppies lick their mom's face so that the mom will regurgitate food for the puppy. Yum, yum. So when a dog licks a human's face, they want food. We have reinforced the licking with our ooohs and aaahs. And frankly, it's OK by me!
P.S. We carry more germs in our mouths than a dog ever could.
cuz she's (he's) givin u kisses!
she's licken you cause she loooooooves you! ;) also I don't think it is bad
She/He is loving you back.but the whole around your mouth i wouldnt do that anymore
Dogs do know when you like them, licking is a sign of liking to them. They do not understand kissing. Letting them lick your face and mouth will infect you with all sorts of nasty and harm full germs and bacteria
Next time Fido licks your face, think about want he's been licking.
Part of it is affection. Part of it is they like the taste of salt on our skin or the taste of whatever lotion you may have on your skin.
It's not bad but I would not suggest allowing them to lick you around your mouth due to the transfer of germs.
Best of Luck with the new Pup.
Dogs lick faces for several reasons:
a) It's a throw-back to their wolf ancestry. Wolves greet one another with mouth and muzzle licks after returning home from a hunt.
b) Puppies often lick their mother's mouth and muzzle looking for food. When the pups are about 4-5 weeks old, the mother will often regurgitate (vomit) her last meal to give them more food to eat. When hungry, the pups will then lick at the mother's face and mouth trying to get her to vomit again.
c) We also teach dogs to "kiss" us when we respond happily to being licked in the face.
d) In some dogs this can be a sign of dominance. If the dog can reach as high as your head he is displaying the fact that, in the pack heirarchy, he's on the "same level" as you are.
The problem with letting dogs lick your face is that they also lick everything else with their tongues, and if they've picked up germs, bacteria, worms or other parasites with their tongue they can transfer them to you. If you want to continue to let your dog lick your face, just make sure your dog is healthy and that you wash up afterwards.
Because your puppy loveeesss you.
I think pets understand us far more than what we give them credit for. What pets really understand are phrases we use over and over. Example say puppy's name with a exuberant I LOVE YOU! and a kiss. Use a different tone for No. They really understand different tones well. My cat will respond to Hi Sancho by the tone I use, with one simple meow. I know by her tone when she says "I'm hungry". So she's trained me to her tones as well. As for face licking, yeah pets have bacteria (who knows where that tongue was prior to your face), but lets face it - it's hard to turn down a kiss.
Is showing affection.
Is it bad to lick your mouth area? Well.put it this way.puppies also lick their butts..
No it's very natural.I own a dog too.Licking is a sign of love and believe it or not,it's cleaner to kiss a dog than another human being on the lips.
Yuk dont let a dog lick your face they lick their backsides. Yuk germs!