It's really cute. I'm sitting watching tv and he just walked up to the coffee table and he placed his head on it and stared at me. He's trying to say something (probably wants to go out right now) but is there a significant meaning? Is there a site I can check out for dogs and how they communicate?
your dog probably wants you to go play with it or spend time with it. have you fed it? Do you go with it for walks basically it is saying come and spend time with me. a dog is just like a child they love attention..
Maybe he is admiring you and giving you a loving gaze.
He probably just wants your attention. :-) When I'm doing homework my one Boston Terrier will jump up on my lap and lay on top of my books wanting scratched.
my pup comes up and puts her head on my knee it is her symbol to say "i am gonna jump up on the couch with you now just giving you fair warning wheee flying puppy"
By experience, the dog wants to say that it needs your attention :)
that is like my dog. he is very lovable and loves to play but i dont' think i give him the attention i should. i think that is a sign that u need to get off your lazy but and go play with it. or maybe it just wants geed.
your dog probably wants you to go play with it or spend time with it. have you fed it? Do you go with it for walks basically it is saying come and spend time with me. a dog is just like a child they love attention..
Maybe he is admiring you and giving you a loving gaze.
He probably just wants your attention. :-) When I'm doing homework my one Boston Terrier will jump up on my lap and lay on top of my books wanting scratched.
my pup comes up and puts her head on my knee it is her symbol to say "i am gonna jump up on the couch with you now just giving you fair warning wheee flying puppy"
By experience, the dog wants to say that it needs your attention :)
that is like my dog. he is very lovable and loves to play but i dont' think i give him the attention i should. i think that is a sign that u need to get off your lazy but and go play with it. or maybe it just wants geed.