Surgically removing a male dog's testicles
cut off his balls.
she's got it, right on the money!
Actually they don't cut off the balls. they remove the testes in the scrotum.
exactly what the first person said.the dog gets "fixed" so that he cannot get a girl dog pregnant
To make it neutral; an IT dog.
A ditch or a bog.
taking off his knackers if its a boy or doing its tubes if its a girl
They make it so that he can not breed with any other dogs.unable to reproduce offspring.
It means making it incapable of reproducing ( making puppies) IT's called spaying in females and nuetering in males. For males it basically entails snipping the tube the sperm flows out of. For females it means removing the entire utereus of the dog.
they take the dogs balls off so the dog wont get a dog pregnant and its for there health
it means fixing the dog. Making the dog unable to have babies.
no more puppys for that dog
They take out the testicles.
To make him incapable of reproducing
Technically, when an animal is neutered it means that it's incapable of reproducing. This can be done to both males and females. For males, it's called castration, which is the removal of the testicles so he can't produce any sperm.
For females, it's called an ovariohysterectomy or spay, this is the removal of the ovaries and uterus so that she can no longer produce eggs.
Both procedures should be done at an early age so that the animal will be happy and healthy. They both help prevent and eliminate the chance of getting certain types of cancers.