It can only produce a DOG or Mut, if your talking about dogs,if your looking for puns, how about a spring cockerel.
a * springer?
A spaniel, but I would'nt know what it's called, maybe a sprocker teehee
springcock lol only joking
i dont know there queit the same arent they
an overly hyper dog. i have a springer/lab. she was completely wild until she went blind at 13ish. she even went to training classes and that didnt help. be prepared to go nuts with that litter. they will be cute, but hyper
a co ck spring
Either a Socker or a Spinger.
A Springer spaniel Or a Sprockeraniel
A mut.
I can think of at least one thing that dogs produce a lot of..
But do you mean you intend to breed these two kinds of dogs? Why on earth would you want to deliberately breed mutts? There are far too many mutts being killed in animal control every day.
Just spay and neuter. It's better for the dog and better for the guys at animal control that will have to kill your puppies.
A springcock
think it is called a Cockspringer
A Mutt?
Uhhh.A spaniel mix.It's not called anything really. It's a mix.
A Spocker?
A Spanger?
A spocker spaniel! haha!
pups with a spring in their tails!
This cross is often deliberately bred by rough shooters who want a smaller, steadier dog than a pure springer. Believe it or not, the are advertised as sprockers. pointer crosses and lab crosses are called droppers.
A c ock ring
They produce "sprocker spaniels" and I'm not kidding! my neighbour at my caravan had one. It was extremely cute. A cross between a labrador and a poodle is a "labradoodle" How amazing is that?
A sprocker!
a mongrel
The only reason to breed a crossbreed such as this would be for working purposes, and then only if both parents are exceptional in the field. Even still a well bred cocker or springer would generally be favoured over a crossbreed as with all crossbreeds every pup will be different and it's a bit of a gamble what parental traits the pups will inherit. Some people who breed this cross call them Sprockers, but really they should be called cocker/springer crosses. Calling them sprockers suggests that they are actually a breed..which they are not and is therefore deceptive. They should not be sold for anymore than a mongrel, just the cost of covering the proper care of a b1tch in whelp and the raising of healthy pups.
Hope that helps.
Just like Cocker-poo and Labradoodle and pomchi and yorki-poo
it would be a MUTT with a funny name to make it seem more valuable and sell it for $1000's of dollars!
I once mated a Shi tsui with a bull mastiff..
A crossbreed.
they'll be cross breed puppies,lovely, I like both breeds.