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Helping Paws-Spotlight on a Charity Salutes Humane Society (HSUS)

What is "Helping Paws- Spotlight on a Charity"?

Paw Luxury's "Helping Paws-Spotlight on a Charity" is dedicated to spreading awareness about pet related causes. As well as paying tribute to organizations that are helping our paw pals thrive, nurture the human pet bond & save lives. We're strongly committed to taking care of our environment, our communities and, most importantly, the future generation of dog lovers. We foster the belief that giving feeds the soul. So, that is why we have decided to start a new blog segment titled "Helping Paws: Spotlight on a Charity".

Every #woofwednesday on Twitter we will be spotlighting a pet charity, our unsung heroes who are dedicated to enriching & saving the lives of our deserving four legged friends. Our hope is that this segment will encourage you to give your time & voice in support of these wonderful charities. So, how can you help you can blog about our featured charity, tweet about them or support their cause. Also, email or tweet us if you know of a deserving charity that needs recognized or spotlighted on our blog. Together we can all make a difference!!

Todays "Helping Paws" Spotlight on a Charity is The Humane Society of the United States.

What they do?

The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest and most effective animal protection organization—backed by 11 million Americans, or one in every 28. Established in 1954, The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals—a world that will also benefit people. We are America's mainstream force against cruelty, exploitation and neglect, as well as the most trusted voice extolling the human-animal bond.

Our mission statement: Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty.

We work to reduce suffering and to create meaningful social change for animals by advocating for sensible public policies, investigating cruelty and working to enforce existing laws, educating the public about animal issues, joining with corporations on behalf of animal-friendly policies, and conducting hands-on programs that make ours a more humane world. We are the lead disaster relief agency for animals, and we provide direct care for thousands of animals at our sanctuaries and rescue facilities, wildlife rehabilitation centers, and mobile veterinary clinics.

We celebrate pets, as well as wildlife and habitat protection. We are the nation's most important advocate for local humane societies, providing shelter standards and evaluations, training programs, direct support, and national conferences. We are building a Humane Wildlife Services program to provide homeowners and businesses with humane and effective solutions to conflicts with our wild neighbors. The HSUS publishes All Animals, a membership magazine, and Animal Sheltering, a bi-monthly magazine for animal sheltering professionals.

We confront national and global cruelties through major campaigns targeting the barbaric practices of dogfighting and cockfighting; abusive puppy mills where dogs are treated not like family but like production machines; the worst cruelties of factory farming in modern agribusiness such as confinement of animals in crates and cages; inhumane and unsporting hunting practices such as "canned hunts" of captive exotic animals; the slaughter of American horses for export to foreign countries where horsemeat is considered a delicacy; and the clubbing of baby seals and other animals for the commercial fur trade. Our track record of effectiveness has led to meaningful victories for animals in Congress, state legislatures, courtrooms and corporate boardrooms.

So, why should you care? For hundreds of surviving animals, life is just beginning. Every week across the country, animals are being rescued from a life of abuse, neglect, and misery. But they would not be free of that pain without you. Imagine your beloved pet in a neglected & abused animals shoes. Wouldn't you want to save your pet and give him or her a new leash on life. So, take action and join us to fight alongside the Humane Society against animal cruelty.

Watch video
below & read more about the HSUS’s Emergency Services team four deployments—puppy mill raids in North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi and South Dakota—where they partnered with local organizations and law enforcement to rescue dogs in distress, the victims of greed and neglect.

How Can You Save Lives ?

Put your money where your heart is by making a heartfelt donation. Its not the size of the donation that matters but the size of the heart. So, whether your donation is big or small every bit helps the cause & saves lives. Here are just a few ways you can give a charitable donation to the Humane Society:

1. Make A Donation. Your generous support, will allow the Humane Society to continue to protect dogs, cats, and other animals at home and worldwide in 2009 and beyond. This donation will be used to stop animal cruelty inflicted by individuals and institutions, to rescue and shelter animals during times of disaster, and so much more.

2. Become a Sustaining Member. They rely on monthly donations from their sustaining members to ensure that they can budget for their animal protection programs properly and keep them running. Thanks to your generous support, they can continue to protect dogs, cats, and other animals at home and worldwide.

3. Make a Gift Donation in Honor of Friend or Loved One. Making a gift donation is a meaningful way to honor the special people and events in their lives—while making a difference for so many animals. This is a great way to show how much you care-twice!

4. Give a Memorial Gift . Through their Kindred Spirits program, the spirit of a departed loved one can live on through a donation to help fund their vital animal protection programs. With a donation of any amount, they'll mail this personalized Kindred Spirits sympathy card to the person you designate.

5. Donate goods to your local Humane Society for a good cause.

6.Volunteer a Helping Paw & Your Time at the Humane Society to help bark awareness! Contact your local Humane Society to learn of volunteer opportunities.

7. More Ways to Give!! There are many ways to support the work of The HSUS. In addition to major and planned gifts and cash donations, there are a variety of matching and non-cash gift options for people interested in celebrating animals and confronting cruelty.

8. Adopt a Pet. Open up your heart & home to a deserving animal in need.

9. Bark the Word! If you can't give a financial donation at this time you can Bark the Word. Give your time, tweets & blogs in support of this wonderful non-profit. Spread the word about The Humane Society to your circles of influence via "word of mouth" or "word of mouse".

Hey, you can use your tweets & blogging talents for good. By blogging & tweeting you are taking action & making a stand against animal cruelty and injustice. Follow them on Twitter & tell your friends/tweeples to do the same. You can also recommend them to your paw pals & pet lovers on #woofwednesday. Or go the extra mile in support of their cause by blogging about their charity:)

Learn more about this barkworthy charity here:

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Do you know of any barkworthy animal charities that should be featured in
our Spotlight on a Charity Series? Email us at bark@pawlux.com or
tweet us on Twitter.

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