everything about your dogs

Facts About How To Stop A Dog From Digging

By John J. Wilson

Owning a dog can be one of the best experiences in the world unless your dog has the annoying habit of digging. Anyone who has had a dog with this bad habit can probably tell you that it drove them insane. These people probably spent countless days and even weeks trying to learn how to stop a dog from digging.

For some dog owners, it can be fairly easy to eliminate the digging. But for others, it can seem futile. Listed below are some techniques that will help some dog owners stop dogs from digging.

One of the most common reasons why your dog digs is because he is bored. This might be the reason if you look around your lawn and you see random holes. You can prevent your dog from getting bored by spending some of your free time with him every day. You can try alleviating your dog's boredom by playing with him or talking to him. If these two things do not work, you can also try petting or brushing your dog.

Another cause of dog digging can be the scents coming from your yard. Many dogs will interact with their surroundings by using nearby scents. To satisfy their curiousity, they will dig around the flower bed or vegetable garden in order to explore these scents a little more.

If you want to prevent random holes from appearing in your flower bed or vegetable garden, then you might consider putting a sprinkler in this area. You should turn on the sprinkler whenever you see your dog digging in a forbidden area because when your dog gets hit by the water he will probably run away. By being persistent with the sprinkler, you will force your dog to come to the realization that he should stay away from this area.

Most likely there will be holes dug under the fence surrounding your property if the digging problem is really bad. It is very common for dogs to dig holes under your fence. There are good reasons why holes will appear in this area.

The first reason for digging under your fence may be due to your dog's desire to get some exercise. Your canine may want to do whatever it takes to get on the other side of the fence so that he can just go out for a walk. The second reason is because your dog may find something such as another dog or a smell on the other side of the fence really appealing and will dig a hole to escape and find out more about the thing that is piquing his curiosity.

If the holes under your fence are driving you crazy, you will be happy to know that there are some simple solutions for this problem. The easiest and cheapest thing to do is to walk your dog daily around the neighborhood. By letting him explore the surrounding areas, you will give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity about another dog or a certain smell.

Taking your dog out on a walk everyday would be a good idea even if he did not dig just because any dog would benefit from some exercise. These walks will also give the both of you some more time alone so that you two could get to know each other better.

If the previous suggestion does not provide a satisfactory solution, then you could try pouring concrete into the base of your fence. The concrete will make a formidable barrier once it dries. He will have a such a difficult time trying to dig through the concrete that he will give up the digging because he will want to save his nails and eventually realize it is an exercise in futility.

How to stop a dog from digging is a question that many dog owners ask. As you have already read, there are numerous ways to stop your dog from digging up your yard and ruining it. If these recommendations do not fix your problem, you can also look into purchasing hardcover or paperback books, downloading a piece of software or an ebook, or sending your dog to obedience training. Fortunately, there are many options available for the dog owner. It is just a matter of spending the necessary time finding the right one to stop dog digging behavior. - 32167

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