everything about your dogs

Tips And Tricks On Dog Potty Training

By Brad Davenport

If you are looking for tips and tricks on dog potty training, you are probably about to pull your hair out trying to figure out ways to keep your dog from going to the bathroom in your home. It can be extremely frustrating to have a new dog that continues to use the restroom in the worst places.

Just like children, dogs must be potty trained, although their potty is the great outdoors. There are several different methods available to house train a dog. Which one you use depends greatly on your dog's personality and what you feel comfortable with as their owner.

Some people use puppy pads as a way of getting the dog to know where to go. They move the puppy pads closer and closer to the door until the dog finally figures out that they need to go to the door when it's time to use the bathroom. However, these kinds of methods don't always work for every dog.

Finding the right kind of training method is very important when it comes to potty training a dog. Thankfully, there are some online training programs that dog owners can go through. Finding the right program is important because it needs to be a method that you will stick with that will work for your particular dog.

When training a dog, physical punishment should never be part of the mix. Dogs love to be praised, so using a method where the dog will get treats and praise will work a lot better than any kind of physical discipline ever could. Dogs want to please their owners, so using that in your training method will get you a much better result.

When you have a new puppy, it is very important to take them out on a regular basis and start using the words that you will use once they are trained. For instance, if you will say the word potty, the dog will start to associate going to the bathroom and standing by the door with that word. There are many tips and tricks on dog potty training that can be used. The key is finding the one that works best for your situation. - 32167

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