everything about your dogs

My Puppy Is Biting Everything In His Path!- Please Help Me Train Him Before Its Too Late!

By Linda Cole

There's a movie I am watching on my living room floor about a wild boy named Jasper another victim in the world. He reminds of a criminal as he stalks through his day, caring not for consequence or anything in his way. A James Dean with attitude, his rebellion making waves as he seemed so oblivious to his actions his shame. Who is this mystery guy, this wrecking crew of sorts? This four legged angel, who had fallen from grace.

Jasper is a Maltese puppy all fluffy and white a sunshine disposition that can light up a room. His new mum is Amy who wanted a friend, something to cuddle and would never leave like the guy she had been living with but was no longer there. Happy ever after was her hopeful romance so Jasper came home and there new life began.

A dog is well known for his loyalty and love; They have answered a need for so many of us. Jasper was only six weeks old when Amy took him home but the owners of the pet shop had begun his socialization and he was ready for his life. Jasper and Amy seemed to bond at the start and they lived very happily in their quiet little street. This perfect scenario was soon due to end because the puppy was getting older and had a mind of his owned and without any guidance the situation had changed.

It's a shame that this union was heading for a fall, Jasper was getting older and his behaviour was out of control. Amy was so blinded by her puppy's sudden change he was biting and barking and the neighbours were taking note. So have you guessed who the criminal was in that movie earlier on, it was my disbelief at Jasper relieving himself on the floor. Amy was talking as if nothing was amiss in fact she was joking about whose turn it was to clean up my carpet which was slowly turning brown.

This loveable puppy that had started so well wasnowa menacing adult dog with a mind of his own. Jasper had been given no guidelines no rules and now he was a predator constantly on the prowl. Amy like others had not heeded the warnings and their seemed like a monster hungry for blood. Children need boundaries, to be taught write from wrong to become decent grown ups that are trusted and loved. Our puppies need training, to know they are loved, they look to us for guideline what they can do or not. If you are looking at a puppy you are thinking to own remember its for their lifetime and the work has just begun. - 32167

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