everything about your dogs

What dog breed do you like?

I have all different kinds of dogs pugs sheperds and boxers I want to know which one you like best!
I have a German Spits, but I garuntee that no one you will ever meet has a dog like mine. The German Spits is SO rare that I found her under a house. her parents moved out of state and left her. My dog is a very kind breed, and if anyone got to know her like I do they'de love her too!
Siberian huskies and German Shepards
I like Shepard's dogs,they listen to your command.Very smart dog.
I love Siberian Huskies. Had one for 12 yrs. He was my baby and the best dog I've ever owned. I'm also partial to Golden Retrievers.
chocolate lab, german sheppard and siberian husky
I love my sisters little cha..chiawa .her wee Mexican dog.
I love my little Cairn Terrier. She looks just like Todo from the Wizard of Oz! Or so people tell me!
Doberman is my favorite dog :-)
I like dogs that can protect my property, and playful. Remember, this is a life we must maintain and care. Otherwise, they will be costly and painful.
I would have to say Brittanys. Great family dogs, good in the field also.
any small sized dog is good for me!
all my life it's border collies
My Shepherd is the greatest dog I've ever had. I've had two from the bloodline he's in and they were both stellar dogs. I've had golden retrievers, poodles, bichon frizes(not mine, but my moms when I was young and at home) mutts, beagles, a hound dog, and a cocker spaniel. The beagle was by far the most worthless dog I had, pure stupid. The Shepherds on the other hand have qualities you can't teach. for instance. Mine will let women and children in my back yard when my kids and wife are outside. If my wife goes inside and leaves the kids out, the dog won't let any adults in. the only time men are able to get in my yard is when I'm out there. He's bit one person and the cops fell in love with him and wouldn't site us. The guy jumped my fence trying to get to the store behind my house and as the cop said "he did his job" A few years ago my last one saved me from an kicking and maybe even death. I had a huge Great dane come up to my fence and try to bite me. I seen him prehand but it was dark and I didn't realize how damn big he was. anyhow, I started to walk backwards and tripped on the step. I fell down and my shepherd jumped through the screen window and stood over me until I could get up. The great dane jumped the fence and my dog tor into him until I got a shovel and wacked the great dane a few times. My Shepherd is more than my dog, he's my protector, my kids protector, my best friend and part of the family.
German Shepard and Carolina Dog aka "American Dingo" yes this is a real breed


rottwiler there greate i had one she was like my mom her name was sasha if you want a dog get a rottie
I have a pure white, red nose pitbull named Kaiya. She is about 3 1/2 months old. She is so sweet and spoiled, but she can be quite a messmaker sometimes. But all in all she is a good dog.Pitbulls just have a bad rep because everyone thinks of how some idiots train them to fight. Well, logically, any dog will be aggressive if it is abused or trained to be aggressive. But pitbulls, if brought up right and socialized well are very loyal to their people. They are people dogs, meaning they would rather be around people than other dogs. I think that Kaiya thinks that she is human. She tries to imitate everythign I do. She even watches football games with me.And really watches them, and when my team (Eagles) score, and I get excited, she does too. She is a great dog. I alos like Rottweilers. I had one named Queen but she died a few years ago.
I have a top 5 list

1.) Great Pyranese- have one now and he is the greatest
2.) German Shepard- easy to train
3.) Golden Retriever
4.) Great Dane
5.) Jack Russel terrier

Funny how most of the dogs i like start with D XD
Boxers and German Shepherds and small breed is Pekingese
My favourites are Great Danes and Rottweilers. I had a Rotti and now I have a Great Dane.
