everything about your dogs

what dog breed is best for apartment life?

poodle or matese or a pug
you shouldnt keep a dog in an apartment block
Depends on your lifestyle, if you are looking for a small dog your best bet is to go to a shelter or a rescue and save a small dogs life.
go here to save a small dogs life.
Good luck
chiwawa or shitsu
I think anything small, toy or srort haired because of hair getting everywhere
If you live several floors up, then no dog. Dogs need exercise and plenty of it. Plus I can forsee countless little accidents trying to rush downstairs to your garden to let your dog out.
Chihuahua, they can live in small places but still need excersise though, but every dog does.
depends on how big the apt is , if there is a yard.maybe u should get a cat or a chinchilla
No dogs are suitable for apartments buy a house or stop being selfish.
A small breed (but one less active pup) . that doesn't bark!

I would look for one that is laid-back . is happy being a couch potato instead of bouncing off the walls. You really might consider a senior pup - they're less active. I think you might have to just consider a particular dog then a breed. I have yorkies and some are laid back and some wouldn't make your neighbors happy with their yappy personalities.

Good luck - I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
Will you landlord let you have a dog? A small breed, or a lazy breed. Bulldogs, Pugs, Shih Tzu's, Check out www.akc.org they have a whole section for people who want to get a dog. Plus fantastic pictures. You ahould also consider your family, is it just you or kids and a spouse. Don't get a breed like a Yorkie or a Pomeranian if you have kids, find a small kid friendly breed like a Pug or Boston Terrier-or if you like though looking little dogs who are labled the Nanny dog, then message me for more infor on Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
Well first of all, what kind of time do you think you will be spending with this dog? All dogs can be trained to be in an apartment but you would want a dog that is going to match your energy level. If you work and this dog is going to be alone a lot that could be a problem for any dog because they get bored.

I have heard that Grayhounds are very good apartment dogs and there are a lot of them that need rescuing. They are a big dog but with a good walk a day that would be all they would need. They are very big couch potatoes.

I think the best bit of advice you can give anyone thinking about getting a dog while living in an apartment is make sure that the apartment complex doesn't have rules about the size of dog you can have. Make sure you have time to spend with this dog and match the dog to your energy level. There are a lot of dogs out there that could use a good home.
miniture pinchers or yorkies are great for an apartment, they are small, of course you will have to make sure you play with them and take them out side so they can get there energy out, but they are not very loud and yappy at least mine are not, hope this helps and good luck with finding your new puppy
I would suggest a pug. They are part of the toy bread, so they are small. They actually don't do well outside. They can't stand extreme temperature changes for too long. They are also a very lazy dog. They tend to spend most of their time sleeping.

Pug puppgies tend to be a little more hyper than adults, but again, they don't like to be outside. This doesn't mean they don't need exercise thought. It just means that they prefer to be running around inside. Since they are small, an apartment has plenty of room for them to stretch out.

Another good point about pugs, is that they actually love love love people. They will actually get depressed and sad if they don't get to spend enough time with you. Therefore, if you two have to be in a small apartment, the dog will actually love it. More time to be spent with you!

Below is a good website all about pugs. From lifestyle to grooming. It also recommends pugs for apartments.
I've had dogs my whole life. Poodle, chihuahua, rottweiler, doberman, german sheppard-rhodesian ridgeback, american bulldog. The most important advice I think I can give you is to take into serious consideration the history of the dog you're looking into. A chihuahua seems cute and small and easy, but it is has primarily terrier caracteristics-if not well trained from puppy-hood, it will want to hunt and chew and dig..big dogs can seem hard to have in an appartement, but some bigger dogs are lazy, for lack of a better word, and with regular daily exercise will do fine.
Take into consideration, honestly, how many hours a day do you have for exercise, grooming, training, socializing the dog.these, and not the lack of play room, are often a lot more important to get a good breed-owner match.
A Small female breed of dog. The females fare better left alone, and if they do have an accident in the home and least it will be on the floor and not up the walls or table legs.
It is more usual for apartment block dwellers to keep an indoor cat than a dog, however, some dog breeds have been specifically bred for cramped urban conditions as companions. You will need to ensure that you can take your dog out regularly during the day to go toilet.
Companion dog breeds include minature poodles/dachshunds, pugs, pomeranians, papillon, italian greyhound etc.
You need to make your choice based on their grooming and exercise requirements as well as their temperment characteristics. Get a dog book with a companion/lap dog/minature dog section and have a look through. When you find a breed you like you can find out more about it by contacting breeders in your area. They'll be happy to advise you in detail about the breed and your situation.
Have fun!
Hi, A chihuahua is a brillant pet dog who is very devoted. They do require excerise, but not neccsary require a garden. They can offer a lot of love and affection. They require a great lap to lay on. They have a huge heart of love to offer. I have 5 wonderful girl chihuahuas, but i do have a large house, but they are more happier being indoors than outside. But if you are thinking of a chihuahua, i do feel you need to research the breed, and be careful of bad breeders! Unfortunatly their are alot of them. Do not enquire about oversea's breeders, their are plently of good english breeders, an average price for a chihuahua is around 拢600, but some ask for over a 拢1000, if you only want a pet you would not require a 'kc' registered pup. Good luck, finding your idea dog.
mini dashund
mini yorkie
none a dog should not be cooped up
a westie maybe , but u still need to walk them
ABSOLUTELY NONE ! try a fish or a Gerbil, maybe a cat, if you
are not adverse to kitty litter !! but please, unless you can
walk at least twice a day, do not get a dog, you'll both
be unhappy.
as long as you are prepared for more regular walks for toilet breaks i don't see a problem having dogs in apartmets ,perhaps a more relaxed dog like a greyhound would be more suitable i do know of people who have them that live in apartments in the uk
