everything about your dogs

what dog breeds are good for a family living in a city?

do you know any websites?
Do you want a breed that is active and needs walks daily or want one that is just happy sitting on your lap?The space that is available to you is important to, your time will you have alot to give.With that in mind some dogs voice them self more than others,so that is factor to consider. I think these are important questions so you as well as the dog will be happy. Toy variety's like poodles, bull dogs, are good. A bit larger cockers,shelties are ok too.I think some of your shelter dogs are good,the mix breeds.good luck
any dog breed is a good one for a family living in the city. its the life you give it that counts!
like a chiwawa or a pikineas or maybe a weenidog
depends if you are close to a park and have a large garden - in that case any size - remember all dogs need daily walks and at least a small yard - though larger ones deinfately need a place to run. I think little Jack Russells are great for smaller homes in the city.
If you have some teenagers or an active life style, Dal's are good. Check here: http://www.drswv.com
