everything about your dogs

What dog breeds are the smartest?

This is only my opinion. but Labs seem very intelligent!!

I have trtained them to work with Handicapped children and they were all easy to trtain and eager to please.. I love them


Collie or Sheltie
personally i think collies are.every dog ive had since my collie have made me realize how stupid dogs are.
Border Collies are said to be the smartest dog breed.

Poodles are also extremely intelligent. I have had three poodles in my lifetime, and I can tell you they are almost as smart as people, and a lot more fun!
From my experience, i'd say Rottweilers. They're soooo smart.
big kinds of dogs, they are also good for sports if you would like a sports companion. Here are some examples: golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, there are still lots of them. take a look around the pet shop near your area, you should be able to find one easily.
They have larger brains, but some small breeds are clever too, it depends.
German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers are very smart dogs.


Border Collies are the smartest! They are smarter that most of their owners..
Border Collies
Hi Angle, The # one breed is the border collie.this breed is the smarts out of all breeds.little corgie are very smart and are a family dog.all the terrier dogs are smart to and most of them love to play with kids.the list go's on.

If I am not wrong, it should be poodles (Not because I have a very intelligent poodle) but he has proven to me that it is ..
border collies are very smart, but need lots of things to keep there minds busy, chows are acctually very smart,but can be aggressive to younger kids, of course, any dog with patients can be trained to do the things you like,
What about intelligence? [ Top ]

Q: What dog breeds are most intelligent?

A: This is a controversial question because people have different ideas of what makes a dog intelligent. Is it learning to obey a command quickly? Or is it an independent ability to solve problems? Many argue that these are both types of intelligence, so using just one as the measure of K9 smarts is wrong. Click here for more on this view.

Nonetheless, one man鈥檚 opinion lists the top 5 breeds for canine intelligence as the Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever and Doberman Pinscher. Again, you may not agree. Learn more about this assessment here.

Q: What dog breeds are least intelligent?

A: The same expert says the least intelligent on his list of 79 breeds are Borzoi, Chow Chow, Bulldog, Basenji and Afgan Hound, the Afgan being at the bottom of the list. You may not agree. Learn more here.
i have always heard cocker spanials were. i have a mini poodle, hes pretty smart but mostly he makes me lmao. funny dog, love him like my kid.
i think labradors and retrievers are the smartest.
Golden Retreviers or Labradores they are also the most loyal loving and make great family pets! Thats my opinion!
Just as humans have poets, artists, scientists, athletes, writers, teachers, etc.dogs all have their own special talents and geniuses..
..Border Collies are known to be the dog most trainable..but not so easy to live with..Poodles are extremely smart, and I have found them to be easily trained..Pugs have great sensitivity and compassion..Afghan hounds have a well developed ESP..and are very intelligent, but ONLY respond to people that they know and love.Golden Retrievers, German shepherds, and Labradors have the genius to serve mankind, with their whole being..and then there are mutts!! My little mutt has got to be as smart as any dog I have ever met..Sheer genius!
Labradors and Sibes will be near the top. Standard poodles are actually supposed to be very smart as well although I can't give much credence to that what with the low intelligence level of the toy poodle. Sibes are very smart but they make their own choices (that's what they were bred to do). Labs on the other hand, being a retriever, are much more reliant on their handler and therefore a much easier dog to handle. They are very wild until they mature (which some never do) around two years of age.
I know Golden Retrievers are right near the top of the list. I've had Goldens for nearly 35 years and can certainly vouch for them through personal experience. Easy to train and just as easy to get along with.
I think over 43 years I have worked with out 90% of the AKC breeds - some all they way through Utility level in Obedience, some in Tracking, some as Service Dogs and most in Novice and Open Obedience

Top 10 for sheer trainabilty and drive to perform with joy and exuberance and energy

(1) Boston Terrier - I'm biased as my 1st UD (top obedience degree) dog was my Boston who roared through the minimum required number of shows to earn 3 degrees (3 shows per degree is the minimum) and got 3 degrees in 9 shows with a career average of 197 1/2 out of 200 points and racked up 8 Highest Scoring in Trial back in the days when there were 200-300 in an obedience trial

(2) Goldens - but only those bred for field work or obedience work. Conformation bred Goldens would yawn and tell me to leave a message on their voice mail and they would get back to me.

(3) Australian Shepards - having one of those in my classes made my day.

(4) Border Collies - the obsessive complusives of performance dogs

(5) The Belgians - Shepards and Teruven. An obedience trainer's dream and they track on with the very very best.

(6) (And now a shocker for most people) Kuvasz - learn faster than Goldens or any other breed I have ever handled with the added plus that they are superb at figuring out how to solve a problem and adapt from one similar task to another with no preparation.

(7) Bouviers - awesome obedience and tracking dogs.

(8) Collies - sharp as tack

(9) Shetland Sheepdogs - these guys get the idea and will work till they drop

(10) Corgis - both varieties. These little shrimps HUSTLE!

My least favorite to have to get through even basic obedience:

Any hound - "So when can I bolt of into the wild and run for miles?"
Huskies and Malmutes - Oh yeah? And Who is gonna make me?
Boxers - Wee!! Lets play - oops I didn't mean to drag you
Airedales - I don't think so - negotiations are closed.
Labradors - yep Labs. "Aw, can't we do it l-a-t-e-r? I sort of did it at slow speed. SNORE SNORE SNORE"
Dalmation - duh.you are talking to me?
Jack Russells - I can't pay attention, I can't pay attention -not for one NY second!
Any Setter - la la la la ..look at the clouds..
Golden Retriever
I have 2 Jack Russells and although they are hyper, they are extremely intelligent. You can't get anything by them. They are too smart for their own good.
I don't think any breed is the smartest.
It is all in what and how the owner trains them. They don't necessarily get smart on their own, they have natural instincts, but it boils down to how and what they are trained to do.
of purebreeds the collie is the beat, but somtimes mutts are healthier due to their genetic mixes. They can also be smarter ocasionally.
