everything about your dogs

what dog gets along with poodle?

hi, i have a miniature poodle and it's about six months old.
and now i want another dog, one that can grow bigger. i don't know why
so anyways, can you guys tell me a dog that can grow fairly big and gets along with mini poodles? thanks in advance.
Most dogs get along fine with poodles.. in the day care where i work, there are never squabbles involving poodles..and there are all kinds of dogs there.the exception being pit bulls..the pits don't seem to play well with any of the other dogs..I would avoid most terriers, and schnauzers, as they tend to become the boss, and will try to exclude the poodle from your attention..
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!
2004 we lost our Cavy, but she was the best companion for my mum's 5 toy poodles. But the best companion would probably be another poodle. Did you know that poodles come in several different sizes. Tea Cup Poodle (8 inches and under), Toy Poodle (10 inches and under), Miniature Poodle (15 inches and under) and the great Standard Poodle (15 inches and higher).
So if you want a little bit bigger that your miniature poodle, have a standard?
Anyway I think once you've experienced a life with a poodle, I don't think you'd pick anything else.
Our first poodle we lost at 18 months due to his trachea collapsing, we tried Lhasa Apso's, Bichon Fises, and back to our original Jack Russel, but nothing bet the loving temperament of the Toy Poodle. Mind you I took a growing to the Cavalier we had, and now have a Beaglier (Beagle cross Cavvy) She's beautiful.
If you don't want another poodle, try a poodle cross, like Spoodles, Cavoodles, Labadoodles ect. Most take on the poodle trait and do not loose their coats. Anyway good luck on your hunt.
I agree with mezza because i have had both breeds living happily together .
All breeds of dogs will get along famously, it's the individual dogs that take a dislike to each other.
Go to a shelter. Take your dog with you and let him pick out his own buddy. Most shelters have yards or "family rooms" where everyone can meet and greet and see if they will get along.
Shelter mutts make the best pets. They're temperment tested, inexpensive and come with lots of "extras", you are also saving a life. Can't beat that.
Australian Terrier

Proudly Australian, the breed evolved from a variety of British terriers that had been brought out to this country by settlers. Specifically bred for Australian conditions, this hard-bitten tough little terrier was used for everything from guarding the farms and mines to hunting, and from tending the sheep to killing rats and snakes.

Although essentially a working terrier, the "Aussie" as he is affectionately known, soon endeared himself to all those with whom he came in contact as a very desirable companion dog in his own right.

Equally suited to town or country living, the Australian Terrier is noted for his loyalty, intelligence and even disposition. He is neither highly strung nor a persistent barker, but with his inbuilt spirit, courage and air of self assurance, happily assumes the role of protector for home and household. Sturdy, with a harsh easy-to-care for coat, and a history of longevity, the Australian Terrier finds much favour as both an indoor and outdoor companion.

Affectionate and well-mannered this spunky little dog tends to develop its own amusing and endearing characteristics to delight the family.
Jack Russell will get along with poodle, I have the same
I have 2 poodles-one miniature. One standard. They are the best friends! The mini bosses the big one around. My standard also plays with a pekinese %26 loves her ,but the mini does NOT! Sweet natured %26 merry-both.
