everything about your dogs

what dog has the most clamping power when biting.?

Technically, the most psi for any canine is the Timberwolf.
Bulldogs and Rottweilers
i saw this on mythbusters once i think.they tried a german sherpard, rotwieler, doberman pincher.they also has other animals like sharks, crocs, etc..very cool program.but the rotweiler won hands down.no pun intended
I'd guess pitbull
Pit Bulls ,,, When a Pit Bull bites they lock their jaws and they are not letting go untill some prye open the mouth or when it decides too let go
Rhodesian Ridge back
Pitbulls (APBT) DO NOT lock their jaws. That is a common uneducated myth about this breed. I show apbt's in sanctioned ADBA conformation shows an weight pull events. That simply is a widespread falsehood.
Canary dogs
Presa de canaro

I had one excellecent guard dog too. Loves children.
pitt bulls.
every dog can bite as hard as the next one, if they really want to. but i would say a pit bull or german shepherd. see pit bulls are stubborn but german shepherds are half as strong as a wolf. wow!
The one that bits you in the butt
I think the Pit Bull. Once they latch on they don't let go! I play tug of war with one on a daily basis and I NEVER win!
my friend raises pit bulls an he says he would think it to be them
Pitt Bulls . . . my inlaws lost 2 golden retrievers to a neighbor who didn't control their pit bulls. One of the pitt bulls got their female golden by the throat, there was literally nothing left. I know everyone is going to hate me for this, but whenever I'm anywhere near their property I carry a pistol. They've came at me before and I need to protect myself.
The Pitbull Terrier. They have the most powerful clamp in the Dog World.
The most common myth is that a pit bull terrier has the most power when in fact they have a locking jaw they cant control once locked onto something cant get off for at least 30 seconds or longer however i happen to know that bull terriers and there is a difference to pits have the most powerful they have over 1000 pounds of pressure per square inch in one bite no locking jaw either and that is about the equivalent of a forklifts weight in pressure and I have owned one and let me tell you they are the most placid dogs alive and love kids but if you want a dog for clamping power this is your dog.
