everything about your dogs

What dog is best for me?

I have a 20 month old and am a stay at home mom. I have a decent size back yard. The dog will not stay alone too often or too long and if I do work later on it will probably be part time. So now I have plenty of type for training. I would prefer a puppy to raise with my daughter and have looked at our local shelter. I would prefer a low to mid energy dog. Something that will chase a ball in the yard with my little girl and still cuddle with me on the couch. I would also like a good watch dog. Any breeds stand out? I have been doing research, but wanted to know if anyone had any advice. Thanks.
Any dog is good for you. All dogs when loved and cared end up being the best buddys of all time. that's why everyone loves different breeds, because everyone thinks that dog breed they have is the best. Actually is not the breed is their dog. All dogs are the best dogs to their owners. That's why any dog any breed you'll find, if you love and care for him/her, will be the breed you will love and defend. Just have a dog any dog and it will take you off your feet with all it will give you.
I prefer german shepherds, but try this website, it lists the top breeds for children. Good Luck.
dashunds are alarm systems
they will chase toys
training is a little hard for me but if you start early you won't have trouble
great cuddlers
gor for the MINI DASHUNDS!! i have two they are sweet and alarm systems!
A Golden Retriever is great with kids and you never have to worry. They protect and are a joy to have around. I had one for 8 years.
This site might help you make your choice much easier.
try this http://animal.discovery.com/breedselecto.
great Dane hope u don't mind big dogs
the prob w/ big dogs is they don't live as long as
smaller dogs. but they can be very friendly
good luck!
Australian Shepards. I have two right now and had one put down about 4 years ago. They are very protective of their owners, affectionate and playful.
I have a golden retriever (9 months old) and she is very hyper, especially in the evening. She also keeps everthing covered in fur no matter how much we brush her.

I would recommend something on the small to medium size. Maybe a beagle or basset hound. Personally I have always preferred mutts to any specific breed but my bf wanted a golden retriever.
Beagle's are great with children. They are small enough to fit on you lap, and they are very smart dogs, they use them as hunting dogs so they have to be easy to train. Check out pet finders.com to see some dogs you might like. I have two chihuahua but they may be too small to have around children, plus they do not do well with kids. I hear poodles are good with children,and easy to training, good watch dog as well.
Pomeranians or german sheperds! The best dogs ever!!
the mid to smaller breeds are perfect the shelters should know by the data sheets from the owners what dogs there are good with the children and great for company terriers some of those breeds are ok other small dogs might go good to same for a watch dog it's harder to find and injur or kill the smaller breeds then the larger ones.
I have 2 children and 3 mini dachshunds. There are wonderful, they love to play, but will also get under the covers and snuggle. They definately are a good watch dog breed. They can be a little stubborn to train but the love in their eyes is well worth it.
I have a mini dachshund and if you want a cuddler, this is it! He is so loving. He's also great with my little cousins. Loves to go outside and run around and play. Tends to be a little stubborn at times but everything else makes up for it. I wouldn't trade him for anything.
A good dog would be something like a small collie for our family it will be with small chillden and is a good watch dog.
definately a Golden Retriever. but DONT let it get TOO attached to the ball im so serious my dads golden thinks the ball is LIFE lol im dead serious but otherwise they are VERY friendly and sweet and playful ..perfect dogs
As a larger dog, go for a Boxer!! They have exactly what you need. I have a boxer and they can tell your mood They do get quite large but they are a gental as a lamb they seem to have a sixth sense about younger kids. They can be outside or inside and are easy to toilet train, my boxer sits on the couch with the entire family!! They don't need to be brushed at all as they have very fine coats but if where you live is cold they will need a rug in the winter which you can buy from pet stores. They do have long strong tails that they wag with lots of energy when they are happy and my boxer has never EVER bitten or harmed any of our family, and we have had him for ten years.

You can get more info on a dog food website like Pedigree. I hope this helps

P.S. For a small dog highly consider a maltese, although you will need to brush them.
I think Pembroke Welsh Corgis are the best. I have three of them myself. They all will go out and play fetch with me and my neice but they cuddle on the couch still. They are very sweet tempered and are good with kids. They are also herding dogs so they will herd your kids when they get a little older. Also they are very cute and cuddly and loyal. They will not run away if you raise them from a puppy. They don't really need you to exercize them and they are very low maintenance. They are not crazy kind of dogs with abundant energy; they will settle down when you need them to and also have a lot of stamina to go on walks. They also don't need al lot of grooming. Whenever there are little kids around all three of my corgis are just fine and the one tri will sometimes start protecting the little kid from the other two dogs. My mom has had all kinds of dogs and she says these are the best dogs she has had so far. Good luck in choosing!
i have a great acting cairn terrier! shes great w%26#92; kids and doesnt mind staying home alone (4 less then 4 hours!!)
thanks for your time!!
cairn terriers dont shed either!!
well i just got a poodle and she already plays ball at the age of 9 weeks. and knows come and sit she is so smart i would highly suggest a poodle she is also kid tolerant and loves kids too. also very alarming when people come and ring the doorbell she comes and barks at us.. very alert
siberian husky
they are very friendly but the problem is they are too friendly so if you are looking for a watchdog then you probably shouldnt pick a husky
I personally absolutely love Standard Poodles. They are extremely smart, versatile and great with families. However, the drawback is the constant grooming they will require (every 6 weeks for trimming the hair, plus daily brushing)

I am a breeder of Rhodesian Ridgebacks %26 got into the breed because I was not willing to do all the grooming required with the Standard Poodles. I cannot say enough good things about RR's.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are a hound breed. as such they are professional couch potatoes! But when given the chance, they will be active, both inside %26 out. I like to say they have 'inside %26 outside feet', meaning that when indoors they will not bounce off the walls like labs do, but when outside they know they can frolic %26 play.

This breed in particular is not known to be noisy, so limited barking, but they will make a good watchdog. They tend to bond with the family unit, not just one person in the family.

They are versatile in their abilities as well, doing excellent in obediance competitions. One of my puppy owners has 2 that have been trained as therapy dogs, %26 I know of people that have hunted with them.

If you want a breed that is good with kids, not too hyper but willing to play, excellent indoors and a member of the family, not just a pet, you cant do any better than a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

I am a breeder, %26 would be happy to discuss further with you about the breed, %26 help you find a responsible breeder in your area. Feel free to give me a call. 414 760 2997
As daycare owner with children ranging from 6 wks to 10yrs I can honestly say we absolutely love our mascot Winston. He is a basset hound. We got him at 12 weeks and is a huge part of our curriculum. He is so gentle with the children. He joins circle time, and naps with them at quiet time. He plays with the older children as well as infants and is always loving. He knows each and every family member of the children and only alerts us if there is someone he has never met or unsure of. He is playful but calms down instantly if asked. I would have five if I could. He is a very loyal loving companion to us all. Good luck.
