everything about your dogs

what dog is great with children thats not one of those tiny dogs?

nice big dog that i can wrestle with
Golden Retriever fits that description. Any of these wonderful puppies would do just fine..Just put in your own zip code to find the ones nearest you..> http://search.petfinder.com/search/searc.

Wow! check out this handsome boy! > http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/disp.
Golden Retrievers are AWESOME dogs!
labrador, big and placid
slightly dumb though
Golden retriever or Labrador retriever
Great Irish Wolfhounds lovely docile, quiet animals smashing with children. Even give the youngsters a ride on its back if they aren't too big.
labradoodle. best of both worlds!
purebreed rottwielers that you can look into the history of. if you don't believe me, google the breed and look into what their original breeding purposes were.
Growing up, Mom, my sister %26 I raised Chocolate Labs..they were great with me %26 my sister.we wrestled with them all the time..
They are loyal, playful %26 when it comes time..they are protective over their families..
We had someone break into our house one night when we were asleep %26 our dogs attacked the guy %26 held him at bay in the back yard until the police got there..scary, but great..we were just thankful he was unarmed..
Right now, I have a Dalmation. I also have 2 kids who are very playful.he is great with them. Very Gentle.
I got a Golden Retriever, but they get bigger than I thought, just make sure to teach them not to jump up on you if you get one, or the kids will get crushed :-)
Yes I was going to say Labrador but everyone is beating me to it.I think you have your answer! I have a Black Lab and she is 12 yrs old now. She is the best friend a person could ever dream of!
They say money can't buy love.I say bull! Buy a puppy and you have instant love!
This is the 2nd time this month I've heard the "dumb Labs" thing and I don't get it.

I've only had 2, but both were super sharp! Ours is about 2.5 and she caught on quick to everything. Housebroken fast, sits, lies down, stays. We taught her to "wait" for her food when we are getting it into the bowl because she used to go crazy and knock it out of our hands in her excitement. now she will sit patiently and not eat until we say "okay".. she even plays "hide and seek" with treats. We hide them in crazy places all over the yard, then let her smell our hands, and tell her "go find it" and she will hunt all over for it! Nothing dumb about that!

Labs are a nightmare in their puppy stage though, which lasts about a year and a half! If I were to get another, I'd find one who was older (2 on up) and more mellow. They are GREAT with kids.

Goldens are lovely with children too. So sweet.

I must tell you that "wrestling" with your dog can be a risky endeavor, sending mixed messages about what kind of play is okay and encouraging aggressive play. but I know people do it anyway. My significant other does it all the time with our Lab. Oh well, I had to say it.
Great Danes or Saint Bernards with a little general training (sit, stay, heel, etc.)
Get a shelter mutt. They make great pets.
Talk to the shelter attendants, they spend lots of time with the animals and can show you the perfect pet for your family.
Shelter animals are inexpensive, temperment tested, come with lots of "extras" and you are saving a life. Can't beat that.
Lab,Golden Retriever,German Shepherd,English Mastiff,Newfoundland.English Bulldog.Mutts from the pound-you can find all kinds of great mixes,and save a life!
I have a Golden Retriever. He is everything I has hoped for. Loves children. And very tolerant with them. Mine is exceptionally large. He dwarfs most other retrievers, and he is the ambassador of the neighborhood. at least he thinks so. I HIGHLY recommend them for children.
My lab rocks. She is the most loving dog, I must kiss her now!!
Any dog can be good with kids as long as everyone gets some training. You have to train the dog how to be calm around the kids - especially if they're real small. You also must teach the kids how to respect %26 be gentle with the dog. Never leave them unsupervised together while the kids are young. I'd also highly recommend going to the local SPCA. The dogs they have there get trained how to sit %26 stay while they're there. They're also vaccinated, desexed %26 microchipped so you don't have to worry about that. The attendants can tell you which of the dogs they have there is best around kids as they know the dogs personalities %26 any that are nasty are never made available for adoption.
Boxers are a wonderful breed of dog that are known to be great with kids. If they are properly socialized and trained they are a perfect companion for anyone young or old. They often take a liking to younger children if there is more than one child in the house..they seem to sense that the smaller ones need watching over and that is what Boxers do best.
A lab bullterrier mix. They have short hair, and a good demenor.These dogs are smart, easy to train,and extremely loyal. They will love and protect your children. They are very patient with lil tots who think tails are for pulling. These dogs also know when its ok to play a little rougher with an adult. They love to run ,wrestle,fetch,and swim.We had a female that we rescued from a farm, they rescued her from a kill shelter. She was an amazing animal who knew she'd been saved.This dog would roll over , walk on its hind legs , do circles,jump through a hula hoop, play dead,give five, shake and tell you what is on the top of the house. the rooooffff!
Labs are great. So are Golden's and Irish setters and yes I agree muts. I would have a hard time choosing But like some one said "training" that is it. Any dog can be trained to be a great pet


Adopt a mix mutt, they are so greatful they will love you to death.Stay away from chow and pit mixes..
golden retrievers and labradors are the most playful dogs in the world. they love to play with children, so you're kids will never get bored and love them to death.
labs are good but they have some health problems with hip and joints. they are really intelligent dogs but really stupid at the same time.st bernards are ace!! they so big and fluffy when they are a puppy!! and when there big there still cute! they just need alot of attention!! it depends on your life style to what dog is best for you. if you on the pedigree web sit you can find the right dog for you!! i personally think that if you get any dog as apuuppy and have it around children they will grow up with the kkids and be fine with them!! good doggy huntin!!
labrador retriever. they're really kind by nature. they can go along well with kids. but they're relatively big. so you can wrestle them.XD
Golden Retrievers, Labradors, any retrieving animal are great with kids. Beagles are also known for their gentle manner.
the three dogs that i've owned are all big dogs, and they're all beautiful and love a bit of a tussle.

German Shepards are fabulous in the sense that they can guard the house, they're friendly with people they're familiar with, they have lots of energy, and are great with kids (i had one when i was little)

Rottweilers are also fabulous, people think that they're scary, but really they have huge hearts. They strong in build and are obviously great to westle with, considering their upfront attitude.

Labradors/Golden retrievers are also beautiful. They have mounds full of energy and will love you if you wrestle with them. They love the attention, the main problem is their likelihood of becoming overweight. so just watch that part.
Whatever you get don't get a Rottweiler!!. I was recently attacked by one, it was totally unprovoked!! I used to think that they were the greatest dog around and that people really didn't know what they were saying. it was only a year old and I swear it was unprovoked. I was at work (at a Vet Hospital!) and the doctor witnessed it!! so go for a Newfoundland, Great Bernese, St Bernard, Greater Swiss Mt Dog, or one of those breeds.. they are the "GENTLE GIANTS".. you will be very happy.
well you need my maxie boy but he's busy with our g-kids. get yourself a mutt(mix-breed dog) stay away fron pitbulls
