everything about your dogs

what else can i use to stop my puppy from chewing furniture?tabasco sauce doesn't work he likes it?

I have been told to use bitter apple spray. Dogs do NOT like the taste and will not chew whatever it is on.
get him a chew toy and put peanut butter on it. they will likethat better. my sister did it.
Chew toys, crate training and exercise. No single remedy.
get a shock collar, when he chews, ZAP him.
he'll learn.
If he doesn't, eat him and get a new dog.
a kennel or a rougher hand at training
My friend uses a fly swatter. She swatted the dog's rump 1 time with it, now just waves it in the air. He hates it! (she didn't hit him hard, I was there, just a smack)
Try oil of cloves from your pharmacy.he wont like that.
One thing is, you can put some sort of sour stuff on it, or everytime that your dog does it spray him or her with water.
give him lots of chew toys to play with. when your not in a room with him shut the doors so that he cant get in there and chew your furniture. if you go out or cant always be with him get him a crate so that hes not harming himself or your furniture.
spray bitter apple on the stuff you don't want him to chew and reapply every few days
puppies are like babies when teething, they have to chew on something to relieve the pain and pressure. Get him a few solid chew toys and just bear it until he grows out of it.
Well when you cant watch him just put him in a crate with toys. Theres a spray you buy at pets stores that keep dogs from chewing on furniture or items you dont want him messing with.
Dogs hate bitter apple spray. Just go to your pet store, and ask for bitter apple spray - they are guaranteed to have it. Works like a charm.
