everything about your dogs

What dog should i get? please answer?

ok i'm an only child(i'm 13) and live with in a 2 story house w/ my parents. i can't really take a dog on a walk but we have a pretty big or good size backyard. i want a cute kinda between a small and medium dog. also one thats really friendly and outgoing but no really hyper.THANX for helping
i know the perfect dog! i'm 11 years old and i have a dog that does not shed and that is small! she is a cairn terrier. she is soo cute she has hair not fur and haired dogs dont shed. she is really easy to train, and once you see one its very hard to take your eyes of of her! you should take some time to do some research on Cairn Terriers they are great dogs!!
thanks for your time!!
A Basset Hound.
I just got a puppy.a pug.he is going to be about 15 pounds fully grown. Doesn't require hardly any exercise, but needs to be kept in temperatures between approx 50-70 degrees.so preferably indoors. He is sometimes hyper, but he is a PUPPY! ALL puppies are hyper! Requires a little bit of maintenance since you have to clean out his nose wrinkles though.
If you can't take the dog for a daily walk, you shouldn't get a dog. They need to get out from behind the same four walls every day, just as you do. Can you imagine being stuck in your room 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? It's like prison for them, even if it is a "good size backyard".
daschound hound or basset hound
You're gong to get a lot different answers from people. I think the best thing for you you to do is go to your local pound or shelter and look around. You might a find a dog that you immediately fall in love with and you'll save a live, too :-)

Good luck in your search.
Ok I have a black lab. Big. but the best dog u could find. I havent taken him outside in a couple months and he is perfectly fine. He is sooooooo cute and he loves to play. They arent real hyper. Sorta depends on the dog. Well, no problem helpin u im glad to help
Golden retriever, if you groom them well enough, they don't shed much. They're mellow and easy to train. They're great with people and if all you have is a backyard, then they'll be perfectly fine. Goldens love to run around just as long as they have something to play with. Good luck!
Everyone has their own idea of the best dog and even within a specific breed, dogs will have different temperments. I recommend purchasing a book on dog breeds or look for one at your local or school library. Try The Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds by D. Caroline Coile. If you find a breed that appeals to you, try contacting several breeders and make sure to ask them about the parents' temperments and if there are any known health problems.
I hate to tell you this, but you do not sound like you should own a dog. I mean, no offense to you or your family, but dogs crave exercise. The fact that you cant,or are unwilling to, take the dog on walks is a pretty serious problem for the dog. I understand that there are alot of dog owners who dont walk their dogs and the fact that you have a big yard, but the fact remains that the dog will get very little if any release for exercise. If you promise yourself to, at the very least, play with the dog outside, you will probably be alright. There are several breeds that would be OK for you, such as a Chihuahua or a Pomeranian. You have to realize the a dog who gets proper exercise(release of energy), will not be hyper!! This is a fact..a hyper dog is a bored dog! I hope this helps, but doesn't discourage you from being a dog owner. If you are unsure about it, think about this..from reading your question, I immediately felt a cat would be perfect for you! Good luck!! Edit: the dog has to go outside everyday, multiple times!
