everything about your dogs

What dog would you suggest for college living?

I'll probably be renting in Savannah, GA. The climate is humid. What breed do you think would do well in apartment style living?
Good luck finding a landlord that will RENT to a college student with a dog. Odds are about 1 in 100.

The prior poster is right - college students get a dog and 95% of those dogs end up in a shelter or given away.

Wait until you see how college goes . You will be very very busy and making new friends.

Live in the dorm at least freshman year or if you insist on an apartment, get a roommate for company (college housing services can help on that.) At least the rommate won't chew on your books and can help with cleaning.
go to akc for comparisons!
a small dog

prob a chiuwawa
a lab or a boxer. they make great pets. plus, they are the rigth size to be a great guard dog for when your not home.
They normally dont admit dogs into college. Something to do with not being able to pass the entrance exams.
If you are sure that you are going to have enough time to take care of a dog, I would go for a smaller one, preferably an adult so that you are not dealing with housebreaking and training a puppy. If you aren't sure that you have the time and energy for a dog, though, there's no shame in waiting until you get out of college, and getting something like a cat that doesn't require as much attention.

My (biased, as I have three) suggestion is a Boston Terrier. They are small, agile dogs and are very amusing. In my experience they are equally happy going for a walk or staying indoors and playing fetch, so long as they are able to spend time with you. Don't get one if snoring and snorting bother you, though. They are sensitive to extreme heat because of their short noses, but I know many people keep Bostons in hotter climates. You just have to be careful that you offer water often, don't have them outside for long periods of time, and don't let them overdo it (they will seriously go until they drop if you don't stop them).
I would suggest getting either a Yorkshire terrier(Yorkie), or a Chihuahua. These dogs are very independent, and can adapt to any situation.These dogs have a very easy going temper.They are perfect for apartment living,but not for outside.You should also watch them around small children.
I would suggest a toy poodle, very fun loving dog that adapts very very well. They are also hypo-allergintic and do not shed..which would mean not all the hair that you will need to clean up. They are also super smart, so very easy to train.
Dogs adopted by college students usually live a lonely life. You will have school, maybe a part time job, dates, partying, lots of studying. Where will a dog fit into all of that. Most dogs adopted by college students will be sold or given away within a year.
