everything about your dogs

what dogs are banned under the breed specific legislation in the uk?

The ones I know of are Pit Bull Terriers, Japanese Tosa Innu and the Dogo Argentino. I think they are trying to ban others but Im not sure if any others are actually on the list yet. Its a shame, when good dogs get bad reputations because of irresponsible owners! I've met a lot more aggressive Jack Russells for example, than Pit Bull terriers, but they just can't do as much damage when they are angry! I have a large staffy, three English Bull Terriers and a Papillon, and the Pap would be more likely to bite than the Bull terriers, it's just no one is scared of him!! But my dogs are not accessories to make me look hard, or encouraged to be aggressive towards people or other animals and if any did bite a person even once I'd have them put to sleep although I love them dearly. I have seen grown women climbing fences and screaming at top of their voice when they see the dogs coming. Its silly behaviour like that that works dogs up in the first place!
the Pit Bull Terrier
the Japanese tosa
the Dogo Argentino
the Fila Brasileiro
also wolf hybrids. There may be more on the link, but that is just a few.
all dogs should be banned as they all dangerous in some way or another,just by biting someone that is a danger to the public!
