everything about your dogs

what dogs dont have that typical doggy smell?

its just i love dogs but hate thier smell!
Any dog that is bathed regularly will not smell, until it gets the chance to add some really interesting scents to itself by rolling in something indescribable.
I breed Siberian Huskies. They don't have the same odor as most dogs, and when they are wet they do not smell like wet dog.
I've got a Chihuahua and she doesn't ever smell doggy . . . and she doesn't spend all day in my hand bag either, she goes to all the usual smelly places! . . the beach, park, you name it! She has a bath once a week and she's great!

If it worries you that much I know you can get perfume type stuff actually for dogs, not sure if it's a good idea or not or safe so check it our properly first as I don't want to reccomend something I have only heard of! plus you can get shampoos that smell nice to!
I have an Africanis called Derek originally from Kenya (now in England) they don't smell of dog even when wet, they also have a natural resistance to internal and external parasites(they don't get fleas) ; the problem is they cost around 拢3000 to get them over here in flights, jabs, bribes and Quarantine fees.
check the website below, unfortunately only the kennel club of south Africa recognise them as a legitimate breed and they are classed as wild when you import them so you need a license.
Anyway having one is more interesting than a collie or lab
