everything about your dogs

what ever happened to white dog poo you used to see on the street?

Dogs are healthier now. If your dog poops white there is something wrong with it's liver. That is what makes poop brown. Also many ppl don't let their dogs poop in the street anymore. Scoop laws and all.
It got old and dried out
so true i aint seen none for years
What a random question!it made me laugh, but to think about it ive not seen any for ages either.
Its collected by the pixies
They started collecting it and making diet food. That is what it taste like anyway!
Theyve all moved out, its all black and brown now !!
Oh my god Brett!! It is still around ~ hehe just look around!!
it got cleaned up?
ive saw this question at least 10 times in yahoo it amazes me that so many people really care lol. i think the reason theres none about is because more people clean up after their dogs these days
Dog food is becoming better %26 better. By products are the cause of white poop, so more than likely people are feeding their dogs better quality foods.
Stray dogs used to be very malnourished therefore their poo was in odd colours, such as white. Now there are no stray dogs or dogs that are malnourished so their poo looks healthier. Also, you can be fined if you don't scoop up your dog's poop. There are dog poo bins around popular dog walking routes and people are a lot more responsible these days so they pick up the poo and put it in the poo bin.
good question, The poo only turned white if it had been there for a while, that was when nobody picked up the poo. Now law say you have to we don't see it coz everyone is picking the poo up.
the real reason is that chalk is no longer used in dog foods to bulk it up and therfore their poo is no longer stained white!!
No idea.
There is more healthy dog foods around.
This question comes up on average about once a week ( yawn) and STILL no-one has told you the correct answer.

Dogs are not given bones to chew, grind up and digest anymore.
Dogs don't chew bones any more, therefore no white poo.
dogs that eat a lot of bones tend to do whiter poo. nowadays people feed complete foods and less scraps etc out of convenience. also many more people clean up after their dogs so you see less!
Ah, this takes me back to my childhood. I never used to be quite so annoyed if the turd I'd stepped in was white.
It's still there! It's just that people don't feed their dogs lots of bones anymore, thats what causes the poo to be white!
Jeez, it looks like we should fund a scientific experiment to determine once and for all why dog poop is white!

From personal experience I will say that we will have white poop in the yard if we miss it and don't pick it up - it ages and turns that color. I have never given any of the dogs I or my family have had real animal bones, but their poop has turned white when outside for a long time. I'll agree that you don't see it anymore because more people pick up after their dogs so the poop doesn't stay and "bake" in the sun.
probably dont see much of it now cos you dont seem to see homeless dogs as much now, its disapeared, just like the poo that looked like corn on the cob, well it was actually just a poo that i used to think looked like the cob part x
for one there are more fines for dog poo leavers - and 2 wait till winter, then look for white dog poo, url find loads!
Dogs were fed more bones which contained calcium which is why there was white poo.
We feed a natural diet and our dogs have white poo.
Its healthier as the modern foods are full of slop and floor sweeping or rubbish bits of meat.
it gets cleaned up before it reaches the white stage!!..well sometimes anyway!!
