everything about your dogs

what ever happened to white dog doo?

Odd, but I was wondering about this, just the other day.
Thumbs up to you both. Sometimes I wonder about the oddest things.
There is no bonemeal in dog food anymore hence no more white poo
went 2 cat man do
People pick it up these days - before it turns white!
People probably feeding their dogs better (less bone meal).
I believe dog food manufacturers no longer bulk there product out with calcium. This is what made dog poo white, as once it had been through the dog and all the goodness was removed all that was left was the calcium.
they use it as composte
corn is added now in all dog foods . look at the ingredients. a good dog food will not have corn listed first or second . which means corn is not the main ingredient. a dog cant digest corn well ..
distemper in dogs has been eradicated.it was the bacteria from that disease that caused the dogs to poo that colour
you are mad
better diets happened to it. People stopped feeding cooked bones and table scraps.
