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What happened to the forum on a Possible puppy mill?

As a 35 year member of the US Humane Society, I'd have to agree with the Dr. You don't have to have dirty cages, no food, or beat animals to be abusive! The problems with Puppy Mills are they are hard to prove. But if someone breeds MORE than one type of breed, in this case 5, plus other animals you need to be suspicious! If April took the time to report some HARD facts on this site, maybe you should listen! I didn't see anywhere where she was denied a puppy from the breeder, instead we saw real questions and no reasonable answers from the breeder, except some anger on the breeders part. I saw the first forum, and did some checking before yahoo took it off. Maybe the person who was offend had it taken off, who knows? But, she hasn't been back on to say anything else EXCEPT to gather sympathy about her Mother, of which I AM sorry to hear BUT which had NOTHING to do with the forum at all.I'd like to thank the Dr for sharing his forwarded e-mails with us, the insight from April was very Commendable, many thanks to her! So lady, know your facts, it wasn't a personal Vendetta at all, and if this isn't the place for it, where is the place? All animals SHOULD be everyone's concern! Even yours, and mine. I have 4 Great Danes, and they live in my home, and have their own room, and travel with us as "Good Will Ambassadors." In our RV. If any wants to contact me, I am listed in yahoo as ushumanemember@yahoo.com All questions will be answered.
It seems to have been removed. Regardless, this is not the place for somebodies personal vendetta.

Someone cropping younger than others thinks she should, not being willing to sell someone a puppy, and not answering someones questions about your dogs does not make someone a puppy mill.

The ear cropping I don't know much about, I have only had uncropped breeds. But there are many, many people I would not sell a puppy to. There are also people where I don't care to answer all their questions because I know I would never sell them a puppy.

This woman had absolutely no evidence of filth, cramped cages, or lack of care. She just didn't like the way this woman did things, and that does not make someone a puppy mill, at best, it may make her a crappy breeder.

It does sound to me like she was just mad because she wasn't sold a puppy. I hope she never approaches ME for a pup and then totally trashes me on a public forum because I wouldn't sell her one.

I hadn't heard any actual facts, just ranting. Undoubtably, there are many bad breeders out there, she may very well be one from the way it sounds. I am always skeptical when I hear things like this because I see breeders attacked because they don't do things just like someone else thinks they should. We all have different ways of caring for out animals, mine live in my house and sleep on my couch and bed, but it isn't right for me to expect everyone else to keep theirs the same.

I probably don't agree with you on what is abuse, because of my statement above, people keep animals differently. Is it abuse to not do every health test known to man? Is it abuse if your dog is overweight? Is it abuse if the dog lives outside? Is it abuse if you crate your dogs when you are gone? Is it abuse if you are busy and your dog doesn't get as much attention as someone else thinks it should? Is it abuse if you don't give bordatella or lepto? Is is abuse if you don't have $2000 for an emergency surgery?

There are people that would answer yes to all these questions. In case you aren't aware (the AVMA does not seem to be) there is a whole movement trying to end pet ownership. To buy into the "all breeders (who don't do things the way I think they should) are puppy mills" or the "thats abuse" because someone isn't doing things just as someone else thinks they should is buying right into the whole AR crap.

Abuse (to me) is if the dog does not have food, water and shelter. Of course, I wish everyone kept them like I do, but who am I to decide how they should do it.
I guess I didn't see the one you are talking about.
My wife wants one of the mentioned breeder's puppies, so I guess we're fixing to find out what type of facility and breeder she is or isn't.
More than likely, a complaint was sent in to Yahoo. To the best of my knowledge they are the only ones that can remove questions.

JU_LI_ET.. good luck.
