everything about your dogs

what happens if a dog has sex with a woman? no child would be produced but would the woman be affected?

would the dog be wearing a condom?.
tell the truth buddy. you麓re just bored and thought you麓d post this ridiculous question right?
give it a go, see what happens, if ur weird enough to think it, you probably have done it!
i have a feeling thats physically impossible
Christ there're some weird people on here tonight.
That's a pretty grotesque question your asking. Do you actually know a woman that would have sex with a dog? if you do - I'd stay far away from her - she sounds pretty wild %26 groose to me.
don't think so, I've seen films {not my films. honest} that showed this and although it looked pretty disgusting she didn't look that affected.Now sex with a horse is a different matter.
Other than the fact that she's mentally ill? She could possibly develop an infection. You never know what kind of bacteria are living on an dog's penis.
Sick, sick sick..
Aside from the laws against bestiality being broken there are several problems that could happen.

She could get a disease, (HIV the AIDS virus came from a monkey.) She could also get an infection that is harmless to the dog but dangerous to her. She could get hurt physically by the dog. The dog might not like it and slap her around after.

And as soon as her friends found out she wouldn't have any friends left.
I doubt she would be affected but she would be arrested
sick sick..
Straaaaaange !

Not infected just afflicted !!
this is one sick hole
i fink she was already affected if she had sex with a dog
yuck, i think the woman would be affected mentally' if not already.
your a freakin wacko! sick b*tch
she might not be but the dog would be
