Your dog should be fine.
What your dog ate was graphite, which is not harmful itself. The thing you should be worried about is the pits and pieces of the pencil cutting your dogs digestive system. I would call a vet and get him or her checked out anyway. Good luck and I'm sure your dog is fine =)
he either throws it up or poops it out
you take it to the vet.
Craps a pen?
you lose the pencil
Bring the dog to a vet.
Mine never has ! But I would say they will be sick!
um, possible lead poisoning. he may throw it up or crap it out.
It's just wood and graphite. If he shows no signs of illnessl he is okay.
It leaves No.2's all over the house.
A:gets sick, B: dies,C:nothing
It goes to his tail. If he has a pointed tail, he can write with his tail. But, watch out for those misspellings.
I would take the dog to the vert for the simple fact thatlead is poision and can be very fatal in some cases.
That depends on how much of the pencil the dog ate. If just a little, I would not worry unless the dog displays signs of being sick or has blood in the feces. If the dog ate a lot of the pencil, I would call the veterinarian and ask. If the dog at the metal part that held the eraser on, I would call the veterinarian immediately.
If he chewed it up, he should be fine..Just watch for any troubles with his bowels, today and for next 2 days..If he quits eating, strains, or has blood in stool, call a vet..
call a vet
your dog has a pencil in its stomach. heavens. you might consider taking it to the vet, especially if it a mechanical pencil
Which part of the pencil? If it is just the wood, don't be alarmed. Dogs chew on sticks as a form of cleaning their teeth. I would look into getting chewsticks to deter this behavior. If the dog has eaten the lead of the pencil, I would be to concerned either. Pencils lead isn't as harmful as it once was.
The only thing that I would be concerned about is the metal at the top that holds the eraser. That may cause some issue.
My dog when it was younger and teething I would say weekly chew a pencil apart.
As per my vet they no longer use lead when they make pencils anymore so unless it comes from a country that still uses lead paints on the outside of the pencil, your dog ate wood, and graphite with some paint and ink thrown in.
My only concern would be that he would choke on a piece of it or get a sliver stuck somewhere.
Call the veterinarian first.however, in my opinion, you loose 1 pencil. I don't think that it does much harm. It is wood and graphite. Lead is no longer used in pencils. The eraser and metal bracket for the eraser may not be very good on the canine's teeth (not canine pun intended); I don't believe that the dog will spend too much time chewing before swallowing it. The metal might be the only issue in the dog's stomach. This may cause infection and be very dangerous; or it might pass without incident. Either way, go see a vet!
Good luck.
Woof, woof!
AHHOOOWWW! (Happy Halloween!)
He develops a case known throughout the veterinarian community as "-o-pendicease must-writus squating." Put paper on the floor and see what he writes.
The dog will cough it back up and probable throw up in the process, and digest it out. Just make sure you give the dog some water, it might make it easier on the dog. But it shouldn't hurt the dog.
My dog has eaten several pencils. He usually chews the wood and I find the lead on the couch or on the floor. Sometimes he throws up, but most of the time he is OK.
Nothing. The dog is in perfect condition, it just likes to chew on things. Like my dog, he chews on stuff like that, including wires, and he is perfectly fine. Don't worry but if u still are worrying about your dog then u should get it checked n-e-ways.
Your Friend,
all the pencil is wood and rock(graphite,iron)