everything about your dogs

what human foods are okay for dogs to eat?

Well, some people don't think you should feed your dog people food, but I think as long as it's not a lot, and not all of the time, then there's no problem.

I feed my dogs (St. Bernard, Lab, %26 Blue Healer Mix) small amounts of hamburgers, hot dogs cut up, %26 any other meats like that. You can feed them the bones of like pork chops, and T bone stakes and as long as the bones do not have sharp edges. Absolutely NO chicken or turkey bones.

Another thing I give my dogs sometimes is yogurt. It is really good for their digestive track. If they have a tummy ach I give them 1/2 cup of rice.

Raw veggies are exellent for dogs like carrots, broccoli, things like that. :o)
dog food is okay for dogs
red meats. its fine and they LOVE the treat
I heard chinense people eat dogs.
Veggies are okay but that's about it.
grapes are really bad for dogs, toxic in fact
none. you should only give them dog food. they're liver is more sensitive than ours.
hot dogs, Anything really
Everything but chocolate. If you are questioning weather something is ok call your vet and ask. They do not mind helping.
NONE, do not feed dogs human food, it is bad. BAD
meat, fruits, veggies and bones(not poultry)

don't gve candy or potatoes
No, no and no. I know this because I fed my dog - a Chinese Crested - human food and she not only gained far too much weight, but she developed diabetes. Now, even though she's slimmed down and is eating a healthy diet FOR DOGS, I have to give her insulin injections twice a day and she is going blind from the disease itself.

So, do your pet a favor and feed it whatever your vet recommends.
No onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, chocolate, or chicken bones. Other stuff is alright, but dog food is best.
I'll tell you what is not: chocolate, sugar, sweets, grapes, raisins, chicken bones, fish bones, alcohol. Also, keep in mind that a food they are not accustomed to eat can cause them irritation and diarrhea.
I feed my brother's dog Kraft American cheese whenever he comes over, and he always seems fine. Also, he always gets a little plate of turkey and gravy on Thanksgiving, but no mashed potatoes. I give him cut-up hot dogs sometimes too, uncooked ones straight out of the Oscar Mayer package, and I pick pepperoni off my pizza for him sometimes too. He loves them! His only problem is that he's getting a little fat, but he's a Jack Russell terrier so he wears the weight well.
none they are all bad for your dogs health. plus ones you feed them human food they will never eat dog food again. don't ever give a dog chocolate it can kill them. absolutely no human food for a dog. stick with dog food that's what its made for.
basic protein, grains and veggies if you absolutely insist on feeding your dog human food.
My dog loves lettuce! I started giving him the hard core of lettuce and now he wants the leaves too - He will choose lettuce over meat.
A vet will tell you eggs . Never give a dog raw meat because it will become more agressive . Once they get the taste of blood, they will want more . And I have heard that choclate is hard on a dogs heart .
Human food should only be given to dogs as a special treat and most anything is okay as a treat except anything that has bones or pits in it. My parents dog loves grapes and whip cream.
Animals managed without us far before dog and cat food were invented. Most foods healthy for us are healthy for your pup as well. Just work with your vet to ensure that pup is getting the right amount of various vitamins, etc.. for each stage of his/her life. To be honest, it's a lot of work if you want to actually prepare all of your own dog food. If you just want to supplement with a few treats, generally lean cuts of meat and veggies are okay. Again, a quick chat with your vet regarding your pet given his/her health background is always a good idea. Warning--a few yummies can lead to a puppy who doesn't want to eat dog food anymore.
If you look up the B.A.R.F. Diet online you will find well-known breeders feed ONLY human food because most dog food has preservatives that are known to cause cancer in Lab animals(Dogs included).It has to be done right or you will have a fat dog.A mix of white rice,lean ground-beef,and cottage cheese is what my dogs love as an occasional dinner.The cottage cheese is to keep dogs from having the diareah(spell?The Runs)
I give my little Chihuahua pieces of chicken, beef hot dogs, cheese (not to much, can cause constapation), noodles, peanut butter, and lots and lots of love.
None are acceptable but..

There are plenty that they can safely eat, meats, veggies, cheeses. NEVER feed a dog anything with sugar or chocolate in it. Not even peanut butter.

My shih tzu is allergic to treats so he gets cheeseits. My wiener dog loves veggies.

Feeding table food creates bad behaviors in dogs. If you have the same problem that i have with my dog and allergies, I suggest you pick one type of food (i.e. cheese-its) and use only that as treats.

Also, depending on what type of dog you have and what dog food you feed, adding in human food could cause the dog to gain weight and that can be unhealthy for dogs.
It also depends on whether you are giving it as a treat or as a replacement meal. The people that say you should never give a dog human food are wrong. You just can't give them the wrong human food. In the wild, wolves are not given a nice bowl with processed food in it. There isn't anything wrong with good quality dogs food, but there are also a lot of benefits to cooking your own dogs food or supplementing their dry food with something you have made. However, you have to get the correct proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. This is not an easy (or inexpensive task). It would be best to check with your vet first before you try this on your own. If you are just looking for human foods that you can give as a treat, you do want to avoid things that are high in fat, sugar, salt, or anything else that humans should not eat. Onions, grapes, chicken bones, raisins, and chocolate should NEVER be given. Carrots are a great low-fat treat and they help clean their teeth. Green beans are good, too. Cheese is ok in SMALL amounts as is meat, but should never be used as a training treat (as these are given more often). There are people that believe raw meat is ok and those that absolutely warn against it, so that is a decision you will have to make for yourself--there are seemingly valid arguments both for and against.
Most foods are fine..However, no chocolate or, onions in any form or, potato peels, easy on the tomatoes, and no apple seeds or other fruit pits..No grapes or raisens, easy on the tree nuts, and no macadamia nuts..Don't feed fatty foods, or more than a spoon or 2 of pan drippings..and no candy..only low fat cheeses, and cultured dairy products
People get all hyped about feeding only commercial dog food, (commercials have done a good job) but human food is so much better for dogs than most of the junk sold as dog food..I wouldn't eat a bite of Purina..would you?
Some human foods can be very good for dogs IF you know what is right and wrong and the right amounts. Many breeders and many people that have dogs in agility, tracking, herding, and other activities with dogs feed no dog food, and give a meat diet. One diet like this is called BARF (Bones and raw food)
I do agility with my Australian Cattle Dog, a high energy hard working breed. I have been recommended to feed him a meat based diet, but I do not do it. I don't deal with cooked meat for myself well let alone raw meat for my dog. I feed a high quality dog food.
Before you ever attempt to give a dog anything like this in his diet, do your homework and make sure you consult your vet first!
Here are a few links with info:
