everything about your dogs

What if my dog isn't playful?

Is there a way I can encourage my new dog over time to be playful?

We just got her yesterday. so I know there is a period of adjusting, but I was wondering if there is a way to encourage her to play? She seems like she is scared of balls!

We got her as a companion for my 6 year old, (and myself too), but she won't leave my side.

Does anyone have any advice on this? Any ideas are appreciated! THANKS!
She needs time to get to know her new home, her new people, neighborhood, everything. That's a lot for one small dog to take in in just a day. She needs time, patience, and encouragement. How old is she? If a young puppy, she's also not used to being without her mom and littermates. If she's an older dog, she's away from everyone she knew and trusted and she needs to build a new relationship with you and your child.

Take her for walks, talk to her when you're doing things around the house, enjoy her companionship. She's probably acting like she's afraid of balls because she's not feeling safe or secure in her new home yet. Why not get her some kind of stuffed toy that she can cuddle with. She'll come out of herself in no time, just take it one step at a time.
give your Dog a millon dollars and the dog will sent it to me when he able to lick the evenlope and the stamp .
Dogs usually arn't playful because they have no doggie friends to be with. give it treats.
play ball together with your dog..encourage her every time she picks up the ball..be patient..
Socialize the dog, Find a local dog park and let the dog be a dog
My guess is you just have to wait until she is adjusted. You should probably get her used to your daughter and you being with her just petting and giving her treats every now and then so she's not nervous around one or both of you. When she's adjusted a little more you can try to play with her more.

How old is the dog? If she's young she needs to have a lot of time to adjust. If she's old then she's just plain tuckered out.
its either depressed, or it really wants to get to know the enviroment around her. My puppy/dog was the same way. Leave her be for at least 5 hrs. Then she'll come to you when shes ready
We just got an 8 wk old pug puppy about 2 weeks ago, he just started adjusting about 1 week ago..he is SO playful now. In about a week, you will be BEGGING for him to be "depressed" I know that sounds awful, but , just trust me, he will be a normal puppy and be getting into everything! He is just sad now, because he was yanked away from his mom and siblings or if he is an older dog, he was taken out of his home that he was used to, ours was VERY depressed at first, he wouldn't even eat, now he eats EVERYTHING!

Good luck and congratulations!
