everything about your dogs

What if an apt allows pets but then tells me i can not have a pet?

Do you have anything in writing? If you signed a lease, then the lease should say if you can have a pet and the landlord has to go by the lease.

If you have a month by month verbal agreement, you're pretty much stuck unless you can prove that you were told you could have a pet.
Uh maybe they only allow cats, and you tried to move in with a dog. It is up to the property owner what kind of pets they will allow.
Your lease says it all. Regardless of what someone told you, if your lease says you can have pets then you can have pets. Of course, they may have restrictions on certain types and sizes of pets so read your lease carefully.
you should of had to sign a contract.if the contract doesn't specify no pets then you are more than welcome to have one as long as you take care of it and make sure there are no fleas. Any and all contracts can be voided if it has been less than three days after signing. When you leave the apartment you will be expected to cover all costs of damages other than every day wear..this includes any rug replacements and/or cleaning.it can become expensive so think it through.
The Golden Rule is
The one with the Gold makes the rules!
I would try to find out why they are discriminating against you and your pet. Look in your lease to see if it says anything in there. If you want you may have a law suit on your hands, if you want.
check your lease!
perhaps its in your lease agreement! if it is show your landlord!
You should take a look at your lease. If you have misplaced it, then you should request another copy, and let it be the copy that you signed when you moved in. Check your pet policy.
Discrimination is an issue, at least in terms of insurance:


Is that the issue here? Do you have an "unfavorable" dog breed? Perhaps the resources in the article above will help you.

Good luck!
You need to check your lease. I'm sure they stipulate what types of pets they allow and disallow. Some will accept cats but not dogs,others fish only.
If they do allow particular animals such as dogs there is usually a
size restriction. Some will also have breed restrictions.
When it comes to animals in a apartment setting most all require a extra security deposit also.
It is all completely legal also. They own and/or manage the property so it is at there discretion as to what types and size of animals they will allow to be housed on the property.
All persons moving into or shopping for a apt. need to always read the fine print when they say they are pet friendly. They will say you read and signed the lease and you had a choice not to do so which means you are bound too abide by this contract for the term of the lease. If you do not they can take you to court,
have you evicted and they will keep all securities.
You should of got it written on paper. This way you have proof that they said (Allows pets.) A dog is a pet. I'm surprised you do not have a lease. It should say on there. Most apartments you have to sign one of those or they just hand you one to read that has all info.on the apt. you are renting.
Good luck.
Check with your landlord tenant board. They should be able to help. Also check the small print on your lease. See if you can find anything in there. You can try your local city hall as well. I think its a human rights issue to refuse you of having a pet. You would really need to check in to that one first. Hope you can find something to help you!! Good luck!
Did they say you can't have any pets at all, or just a specific kind of pet that they don't allow there? If they said no pets at all for you, what reason did they give?
I would reread your lease.
