everything about your dogs

What if I missed a dose of heartguard for my pup? (we don't live where there is heartworm prevalent)?

When I first adopted my pup, I took him to the vet to get him checked out. I met a lady there who told me she hoped I didn't get a certain one of the three vets working there, well I did. He suggested Heartguard and I said YES! then the lady afterwards was like how much was your visit and i said $75.00. and that I got heartguard. She told me to call around to other vets, even ask another one working if my baby needed it. There is no standing water where I live in the high desert, and no mosquitos, no fleas. But I visit California sometimes so decided to go ahead with it. Well I missed a month !! Does this matter and can I just pick up where I left off?
We changed vets and love ours, he did not suggest heartguard for my other puppy. what should I do? We are going to northern california for the holidays for family. I am torn.
any suggestions or thoughts appreciated.
It's okay for your dog to miss a dose of Heartguard and then go on it again afterwards.

If you live in an area where mosquitoes are not a problem, then you may not need heartguard where you live. Trust your vet to know whether it's necessary or not.

Northern California, however, has a VERY high rate of heartworm infestation. (Our shelter is in Shasta, CA). So if you're planning on visiting the northstate, get your dog a single dose of the medication 7 to 10 days before your visit. That will give the medication time to infiltrate his system. Also, while your visiting don't take him outside when mosquitoes are out (just after dawn and just before dusk). [[It hasn't gotten cold enough to send the skeeters packing yet.]]
well, i would talk to your current vet and follow his suggestions.
no worries! chill, your puppy doesnt live in a high risk area so he(she) will be fine. if it makes you feel better yuo could start a differnt schedule(like give it one 2day adn then december 3rd etc.) or you could wait til next month, either way, missing 1 dose isnt going to harm him(or her)
I have been working an animal shelter for the past five years, and I know that when dogs miss just one dose of heartgard, it is usually okay to give it to them anyway. The reason vets don't like for you to give it to them when you skip is a dose is becuase if they DO get heartworms, the medicine can cause complications and make the situation worse. If you are sure that your dog doesn't have heartworms and does not show any signs of having them, then go ahead and give him the heartgard with a clear conscious. After you do give it to him, however, continue it every month for the rest of his life. I would recommend the same for the other puppy as well. Although heartworms are uncommon in some places, there is still that chance, so its better to be safe than sorry! If you give your dog something for fleas, like frontline, you might want to switch to something like Revolution that covers both heartworms and fleas and ticks. That might reduce the cost for you just a little. You can also order heartgard, frontline, and revolution from petmeds.com. All you need is a prescription from your dog's vet the next time he goes for a visit.
There won't be mosquitoes in December in northern California..don't worry about it ..and, if you decide to take it back up, just do it..Your dog won't need retested.I put Revolution on my dogs before going to California during the summer..It is less invasive, and protects them from all parasites that we don't have here, and is effective instantly..Vets are encouraged to give the first Revolution for free, so it won't hurt to ask..(just a spot-on )
if the new doc did not give it to the other call him up and just ask they wont charge for the call but that has happened to me to but with my cats went to a different vet and found out that was not the problem
Call your new vet or a vet .or try the website: westwoodanimalhospital.com.
Some of the HW preventatives say that your dog is safe for 45 days but. I would check with the vet. HW preventative also kills internal parasites (worms) and well. It is a good idea if you can do it, to keep the dogs on it anyway. Be sure they test negative for HW before you start them on any preventative.
