everything about your dogs

What interesting dog breed stories do you know?

I heard this one story about the Irish Wolfhound that touched my heart and I would like to share it:) These dogs were breed to protect people from wolves in Ireland. Very strong and excellent hunters. Long ago, the king of Ireland received an Irish wolfhound as a present. Everyday he would go hunting with his dog. He grew to love this dog with all his heart. Until one day he went hunting by himself. When he returned he seen blood everywhere in his castle. He searched everywhere in the castle to find his family. Sadly, they were no where to be found. Instinctively, he searched his new born child's crib to see if at least the heir of his throne was safe. Not there. Finally he seen his dog's mouth covered in blood. With rage he took the biggest longest sword in the castle and stabbed the dog in the back. The poor dog let out a heartbreaking yelp while it was dying. Just then he heard crying, he followed the sound and found his child under the couch with a dead wolf beside it.
That is such a sad story.. ugh. heart wretching.

I got a few positive Pit Bull stories for you:

When Pit Bulls enjoyed being the nation's most popular dog during the W.W.I era, there were no problems with vicious Pit Bull attacks. Pit Bulls were not banned anywhere.
America's first war dog was a Pit Bull named Stubby who earned several medals and the rank of sergeant for his service in W.W.I. He received a hero's welcome and was even honored at the White House. He inspired the U.S. Military K-9 Corps. He also went on to become Georgetown University's mascot

It was about -40 C and Noella Mitchell lay helpless on the handicap ramp leading up to her home. She'd soon be staring into the eyes of a pit bull and thinking she was about to die. The 42-year-old woman, who has Graves' disease, which causes muscular weakness, wasn't able to get up.

Her cries for help went unheard, except by Cloe, her son's friend's pit bull, which somehow got out of the house.

"When I saw her I thought I was dead," said Mitchell.

But to Mitchell's surprise, Cloe began licking her face and trying to bring attention to her fall. "She sat there beside me, howling and barking."

At one point the desperate dog tried to pull Mitchell inside. Finally, her son's friend came home.

Ontario has become the first province to ban pit bulls. And Mitchell said she used to lock up the dog, but "I will never lock her up again."

Current pit bull owners will be able to keep their dogs as long as they're neutered, and muzzled and leashed outside.


The Ken-L-Ration Dog Hero of 1993 was a Pit Bull named Weela. She saved 30 people, 29 dogs, 13 horses and a cat during a flood in Southern California. When Reader's Digest published the story, they absolutely REFUSED to print that Weela was a Pit Bull. This same heroic dog saved her owner's son from a rattlesnake.


He's a little ball of fire" says U.S. Customs officer J.J. Trevino of Popsicle (Receiving a significant Seizure medal in March)

During an arrest two years ago, Buffalo policeman Ron Clark, Jr. opened an abandoned freezer on a known drug dealer's back porch and found a bulging black garbage bag. "I poked my flashlight at it," he recalls, "and it started moving. My worst fear was that it was a baby."
In fact, it was a puppy, a pit bull who would be known as Popsicle and -- in a lovely ironic twist-- would gain fame for sniffing out the kind of bad guy that nearly killed him.

One year ago, Popsicle helped the feds seize 3,075 pounds of cocaine from a pineapple-laden truck at the Mexican border-the biggest drug bust ever at the Hidalgo, Texas, port of entry. "It's astounding the obstacles this dog has overcome," says US Customs Service Commissioner Raymond W. Kelley.

Those are just few stories that can be found online but good luck ever seeing them on television. Pit Bulls are wonderful dogs who have so much heart. Only if people could see them that way.
omg what a sad story! wow, that really touched me too. i dont think i know of any stories like that.
That is so sad. I almost cried anyway. I heard this story about a dog called bobby, dunno what breed he is though. When his master died, he stood by his grave every day. Then an inn keeper took pity on him and gave him food. So bobby would go to the inn to get food and then go back to sit by his master's grave. Rain or shine, bobby would still stand there. Then when bobby finnally died. They burried his body next to his owners and made a statue memorial of him, because he was so loyal and it touched the hearts of the people of that town.
People can still visit the memorial of bobby today in that town. but I dunno what that town is so sorry.
OMG, have tears in my eyes, what a sad story
i don't know any but that was sad about him stabbing his dog
We have a giant Schnauzer (Montgomery). The breed was to herd and protect the farmers flocks. I actually believe this trait is still in them today because my dog will get between me and anyone he isn't familiar with and push me backwards, like he is herding me away. He also can't stand for me and my husband to hug or sit beside each other. If my husband comes up to hug me, Monty gets between us and pushes us apart. And forget wrestling around, he will bite or nip at anyone that even acts like they are going to wrestle. He is very protective of me and our grandson. They are a wonderful family oriented dog that is obedient, and faithful.

That is him in my picture..he is a big baby !

Thanks for the great story and question !
Have a Good Day !
Yorkshire terriers are mixed from a rat-terrier and a silkie they were used in hole to get rats.latter became a fashion accessory
I had a beautiful portuguese water dog when I was young. Despite her webbed feet, she was terrified of water. So much for a water dog.
a dalmation and a beagle got together and had some fun..the end
thank you for reminding me, that was a story i was told as a child, learning about trust and loyalty,the old tales still hold true.
