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What if your puppy won't drink water?

I have a 9 week old (male) Jack Russell. We brought him home from the local pet store about 4 days ago. He seems very healthy and loves to play, but he's not drinking water. We feed him twice per day and during that time we also give him a puppy milk (some concoction the pet store sold us). But during the rest of the day he doesn't drink any water. When we put a water bowl in his cage he tries to knock out the water. We tried to give him water outside the cage and he does the same thing. We also tried getting him to drink out the water bottle that is similar to the ones in the pet store. We tried giving him regular water and the water with something called Vigorous (taste like sugar and salt mixed), but he won't drink either.

Is this normal or should be be concerned? What can we do to get him to start drinking?
Get a can of unsalted chicken broth, and a box of Knox gelatin..Mix the gelatin into the broth, in amount recommended on package..Feed it warm, before it is fully set up..

He will likely 'eat' this, and then reduce the amount of gelatin until it is just plain broth..then add water to the broth until gradually it is just plain water.. He may have tried water, and it choked him, as he wasn't ready to swallow it right yet..so making it thick with gelatin will allow him to get his fluid without choking, and he will soon be drinking it without fear.
asap. call your vet! that is not normal!
Stop giving him the Puppy Milk. only offer him water to drink. He may not be used to drinking water out of a bowl - so you need to be patient. Try a bowl with a wide top so he doesn't feel enclosed when trying to drink - and show him where it is accessible to him 24/7.
We bought a rat terrier/fox terrier mix in June and she was same way. give him some wet food can food. a dog gets water from canned food as well as water itself. try that. and ask your vet how long to give the puppy milk.
Though he's young, he still old enough to drink H20 from a bowl.
If he's been in a pet store, he may have been taken away from his mother too early and hasn't learned. You can try mixing his puppy kibble with water and he will start lapping the surrounding water when he gets thirsty.
Try putting the water bowl on a towel outside his crate when you let him out and encourage him to drink. He doesn't need puppy milk at this age, but you can try diluted milk with water if you like. Not straight milk as it can give him the runs if its not diluted.

If you pinch his skin around his neck and it stays bunched up without going back in place, then your puppy is dehydrated.
If it goes right back into place, then he's fine.
Have you tried to give it to him in a little dropper? He might just be nervous about his new surroundings. I would go to the vet though.
Congrats on your JR! I wouldn't own any other kind of dog. I love my Fonzie!
Maybe the milk is a mistake. At that age he may not understand that he's suppose to be drinking the water since he's getting milk.
Just my opinion, but I would offer slightly warm chicken broth until you can get him in to see a vet, which you need to do very soon!
I not long ago brought a staffy pup and it dident drink water so we always gave her milk but if you give her nothing but water she will soon drink it. And now so loves water?
That does sound serious, please take the little fella to the vet for his own good. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
Question,how do you know he's not drinking when your not watching him?If his energy is the same,he 's probably fine.

Quick test to determine if he is dehydrated-Pull the skin along the back of the neck,if it wrinkles and does not return ,or stays elevated he's dehydrated.
Another test-feel his nose,if its dry,he's sick,or dehydrated.

Get a turkey baster,fill it with room temp water.And put some on his tongue.

I would tend to be more worried if he drank to much.This would indicate he has problems with his kidneys.

Good luck,and if your unsure,please take him to the vet.
I wouldn't panic since he's eating and drinking the puppy milk. The best sign is that he is healthy and loves to play. Just make sure you always have fresh water available for him if he wants it. He probably has a vet appointment soon anyway so mention it to the vet. He may also be drinking at night or when your just not looking. Puppies are stubborn sometimes and the harder you try to get him to drink, the more he will refuse (just like a little kid).
Well he's eating so he probably doesn't have rabies.

I'm not sure about the not drinking but our dog tried to knock over the water bowl when she was a puppy too. Actually, she was facinated with the reflections and tried to dig them out of it so we got her one of those ones that are crater shaped that she wasn't able to knock over and that was the end of that.
