everything about your dogs

What is a good costume idea to match my dog's?

My dog is goin to be either a court jester or prisoner for halloween, and I want to base my costume off of hers. What would be a good costume under the same theme as that? For example if I was Dorthy she could be a cowardly lion.
Well, being a weird person..

For the dog being a prisoner, I would make sure to put a metal color around his/her neck, have a chain from the collar to me, and I would be the ball. You know, ball and chain? It would also protect your fur-child while you are out and about.

I hope you have a fabulous time together whatever you do! :)
Jester.b a prince, priness or queen/king.and if she is a prisoner, be the person in charge of the jail
you can be a cop for halloween if your dog is ever going to be a prisoner. =) aww that's so cute!
jester can be with king or queen of hearts prisoner can be with really big ball and chain as costume for other dog
