everything about your dogs

What is a good cure for diarrhea in dogs?

I'm interested in home cures.
Do you know why this dog has diarrhea? How old is the dog? How long has it had diarrhea?

Diarrhea could be caused by a number of different things and your dog could be very sick. If this dog has had diarrhea for a few days it could also be dehydrated and needs to see a vet asap. If this is a puppy, it needs to see a vet.
Milk of Magnesia or Pepto Bismol. Used both for years.
a cork plug
best thing i ever did was to take dogs off chicken based food. put them on nutro's lamb and rice and they lived hapily ever after.
Put your dog on a starchy diet. Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes etc.
It has worms.Deworm it with meds from a vet ,, that is the best option because the vet can do a simple test of the feces to determine what type of worm it is.Or you can buy the store brand (liquid) %26 hope it gets the right worm.Follow directions completely.Its easy,,mix with a small amount of food.
Try a cork.
plain yogurt. It works for humans too.
Feed some boiled boneless chicken with some plain white rice. Don't add any kind of seasoning. That may help.
It all depends on whether the dog has diarrhea from not eating the proper foods or diarrhea from parvo, cocidia, giardia, etc. If it is from just a change in diet or eating human food, you can give it a couple of spoonfuls on plain canned pumpkin. If it doesn't help or if there is blood and/or vomiting, get it to the vet ASAP!
Give them dry dog food and not canned.
It is important to know what causes the diarrhea first. Yogurt can help, so can rice.
Although the worms might be it, the food could be the problem. Buy dogfood with real mixtures and ingredients you can find in a usual farm. Foods with a meat rice ratio of 60/40 are usually good. Lamb and Chicken sit the best with small dogs.
ok.give it one teaspoon per ten pounds of body weight of kaopectate, every 4 hours. take away the dogs food and give him rice(white),cottage cheese,soft boiled eggs, cooked pasta. No dog food for 24 hours.. any thing else I am at mfroeh@yahoo.com
Cottage cheese or canned pumpkin, but pumpkin pie file filling.
Best I have done is the same I would do for my children, rice and yogurt. But I have also pulled the following information from a website:

Home management for pets with diarrhea

Feeding pets with diarrhea
1. After your pet is fasted for the prescribed number of days as determined by your veterinarian, gradually return it to full feed.
2. Feed small amounts frequently (3 to 6 times daily).
3. Feed a highly digestible diet containing one percent or less of fiber in the dry matter. (This is very different than the recommendation for 鈥榗olitis' in which a diet high in fiber is often indicated). The diet for small intestinal diarrhea should provide a moderate amount of highly digestible protein from cottage cheese, chicken and egg, with and not more than 15 percent fat. Carbohydrates should be easily digestible such as those from rice or dextrose. There are veterinary diets made specially to handle these problems i.e. Prescription Diet i/d.

Avoid diets with the following ingredients: wheat middlings, bran and other cereal by-products; lactose (milk sugar) and foods containing more than 10 percent sucrose (table sugar). Do not give your pet bones, snacks or table scraps which may irritate the intestinal tract.
Try feeding it Gravox..Might not work, but it will thicken it up a little. ;-)
kaopectate ,,,,, never leave home without it.


Give it some canned pumpkin
Not being a Vet on the occasion that one of my dogs has diarrhea I use Imodium. The amount depends on your dog size. However that can get rid of the symptom but not the cause. It could be worms. I which case you will need to take a stool sample to the vet. Or, it could be too many different types of foods Dogs are not like people. They don't need to have something new each day. That kind of switch up can really play havoc on their digestive systems. I like a good quality dry dog food and fresh water. Fresh is the key because old water with a lot of back wash in it can be the cause of many problems. My personal choice for a dry food is Purina One. It give the dog a good firm stool. Again I am not a Vet but if it last for several days, no home remedy helps, has blood, or puss then see you vet. Hope that helps.
you need to find the reason for the diarrhea
is he sick
does he have worms
is it a food allergy
is it anxiety
did he eat or drink something contaminated
are you feeding him the wrong kind of food or too much
too many table scraps
has he eaten a poisonous plant or grass treated with pesticide
as for the other answers about feeding him canned pumpkin my vet suggested that when the dog was constipated
you can't fix if if you don't know the reason
