everything about your dogs

Celebrating Independence Day : Easy Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe On The 4th of July

Think of summer and what comes to mind? Outdoor events and holiday celebrations. And if you are a dog lover like we are it goes without saying that you want to share in the sun and fun with our dogs! From playing catch, hosting BBQ picnics, attending the local parade, slipping fido a special treat, to watching fireworks and waving your patriotic flag there is a lot of fun to be had by all.

But it is also important to have a safe 4th of July with our dogs. For some pets fireworks are not a blast. Between the heat, loud noises, new people and other things this can be extremly stressful to our pets. Many loving pet owners can forget that these outdoor activities can become extremely frightening to our pets. Below are a few tips to ensure you take precautions and have a safe & fun doggy 4th of July.

Tip #1:
Never leave your dog unattended in a parked car. Temperatures in a car can exceed 100 degrees in just a few minutes. Heat exposure in dogs can result in organ damage, heart arrhythmia and sudden death. It is inhumane and illegal to leave a pet unattended in a parked car.

Tip#2: Dogs just like humans can suffer from heat stroke. Keep your dog in the shade during warm weather. Humans to sweat to cool down, The only place dogs can sweat from is on the pads on their feet and panting. And even panting is not enough to cool off a dog in hot weather. So opt for a shady tree to stay cool.

Tip#3: Hydration is key! Always have a generous amount of fresh water available. During 4th of July activities, keep a fresh bottle of water handy just for your dog. Also keep the water bowl in the shade to keep water cool. Fill the water bowl with half water and half ice. A dehydrated dog can be very dangerous.

Tip#4: During the noisy 4th of July celebrations and fireworks, pets can become frightened and run away. Every year on this holiday animal shelters notice an upsurge in the number of strays found roaming the streets and neighborhoods. So keep a close watchful eye on your dog. Make sure your pet is wearing a collar that fits. Also be sure to have the proper identification on the dog tags so your runaway pet can be returned home promptly and safely.

Tip#5: Consider the temperament of your dog because sometimes you have to resist the urge to bring your dog along for the ride. Many dogs are frightened by thunderstorms and other loud noises. Loud and unfamiliar noises of fireworks and July 4th celebrations can scare your pet. So giving your dog front row seats at the fireworks or parade extravaganza may not be a good idea. We would all agree that sometimes peace and quiet is just what the doctor ordered. Leaving your dog indoors, in a safe, sheltered, quiet room of the house with comfy bed, food and bowl of water will be the safest and wisest alternative. Some animals can become destructive when frightened and home alone, so be sure that you've removed any family heirlooms that your pet could destroy or would be harmful if chewed. If your dog has to be left alone, leave a TV or radio on to disguise the loud noises of the holiday celebrations.

Tip#6: There are a few all-natural alternatives out there to take the edge off and safely relax your pet. Try our all-natural Spot Organics Chill Essential Oil to calm your dog.

Tips#7: Never leave pets outside unattended, even in a fenced yard or on a chain. In their fear, pets who normally wouldn't leave the yard may escape and become lost, or become entangled in their chain, risking injury or death.

With these tips we hope you and your dog have a happy and safe 4th of July!

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