Do you know what June 25th marks each year? Well, today is the yearly anticipated Take Your Dog To Work Day brought to you by Pet Sitters International. Yes, it that time of year where you can drive in that carpool lane and have your dog grab you a cup of coffee just the way you like it. Not to mention give them the task of licking envelopes or making all those tedious office copies for a change. The paw is finally on the other foot. Okay, who are we kidding, besides the carpooling part the rest is in our dreams!
The whole purpose of this event is to celebrate the human-canine bond with the ultimate goal of promoting shelter adoptions. Taking your dog to work should be a fun filled adventure granted your dog practices good doggy office manners. Here are some simple bring your dog to work preparation tips. If you follow these simple tips you can make your workplace on this special day dog-friendly for everyone involved. Hey, your dog may even be hired back for the day next year and not fired.
1. Ask permission. Check with your boss or HR department prior to packing that doggy lunch bag and heading into the office. Its important to read and understand the policy about bringing animals to the workplace.
2. Dog proof your office. Dogs can easily become bored so remove any choking hazards or small items like pen caps & paper clips out of paws reach. Make sure to cover any cords or tuck them away so they are not mistaken as a chew toy to be gnawed. The last thing you need is for your dog to start a black out or make your computer shut off in the mist of preparing that big presentation or long spreadsheet.
The whole purpose of this event is to celebrate the human-canine bond with the ultimate goal of promoting shelter adoptions. Taking your dog to work should be a fun filled adventure granted your dog practices good doggy office manners. Here are some simple bring your dog to work preparation tips. If you follow these simple tips you can make your workplace on this special day dog-friendly for everyone involved. Hey, your dog may even be hired back for the day next year and not fired.
1. Ask permission. Check with your boss or HR department prior to packing that doggy lunch bag and heading into the office. Its important to read and understand the policy about bringing animals to the workplace.
2. Dog proof your office. Dogs can easily become bored so remove any choking hazards or small items like pen caps & paper clips out of paws reach. Make sure to cover any cords or tuck them away so they are not mistaken as a chew toy to be gnawed. The last thing you need is for your dog to start a black out or make your computer shut off in the mist of preparing that big presentation or long spreadsheet.