everything about your dogs

No, No, No...

 The customer is NOT always right!

Okay, let me explain this rant.
I just finished reading the October issue of Groomer to Groomer.
Sally Liddick had a very small article, 'Sally's Success Tips', about how the customer is always right.

No. No, No.
Can I say again that I DO NOT agree.

** Was the customer right when they came in 2 hours late for their appointment and still wanted me to groom their dog AND have it out their usual time?
** Was the customer right that brought in an OES matted to the skin and insisted that we only bathe it, and refused to have it clipped because it was the middle of the winter?
** Was the owner right when she kept insisting that I clip her dogs nails all of the way back to the toe because he was messing up her wood floors?

** Was the Shih-Tzu's customer right when he called back after the grooming because he wanted me to pay for him taking his dog to the vet to do the anal glads that I could not do because the dog was so obese that I could not find the anal glands?
** Was the customer right when they showed up 3 hours AFTER our closing time to pick up their two Airedales that had been at the shop since 8am? They thought it was funny that they forgot.
** Was the customer right when they did not pick up their two Bichons the day I gave birth to my first son? My husband stayed open till 7pm calling them every half hour, till he finally bedded them down for the night. (we are not a kennel) My husband called me to say he was on his way, I said, "You have a son." I had my son at 7:20pm. My husband called them at 8am the next day, they said that  they forgot about the dogs and would be there after they ate breakfast. Those Bichons were not picked up until noon. No apology. Was that customer right?

** Is the customer right when they insist that you demat their dog to the point of torture? All because, 'he's ugly when he is shaved'.
** Is the customer right when they walk in an hour ahead of the agreed pick up time and get pissed because their dog is not finished?
** Is the customer right when they tell you that they think you charge too much 'just to cut a dogs hair?'

The customer is not always right.
Can you tell that I am passionate about this.

I also do not believe in talking down to a customer.
I like to educate them in a polite manner, that does not make the customer feel stupid.

I will not be used, walked all over, disrespected, or go against my principals just to please a customer.

Okay....stepping off of my soap box now. ;)

Happy Grooming, MFF
