everything about your dogs

It makes me sad...

I am not sure how to explain it.
I have had customers over the years that call me with all kinds of questions and concerns about grooming their dogs.

* Will grooming hurt?
* Will it take long?
* Can I stay?
* How often should I brush him?

They would wait by the phone, and come right away to pick the dog up.

THEN something happens.

* They have a baby.
* They get married.
* They get another dog.
* They ?????? whatever!

Their dog, who was their world, suddenly takes a backseat, for whatever reason.

This is 'Gigi'.
She is only around a year and a half old.
When her mom got her she was everything.
Mom would carry her in all cuddled up in her arms, and carry her out the same way. 
 'Gigi' is her Mom's second Shih-tzu.
Her first one passed away suddenly at only 3 years of age.

About 6 months ago 'Gigi's' Mom also got a Yorkie puppy.
'Gigi' took a backseat.
'Gigi' started coming in matted.
'Gigi' started coming in in a carrier, while the Yorkie came in cuddled in the owners arms.

'Gigi' came in for this grooming in her carrier, matted to the skin, standing in pee and poop.
The inside of the carrier was so dirty.
Let's just say, it did not get that way on the trip over to the shop.

Her new brother, the Yorkie, had a few mats on the hips that were easily brushed out.
I don't know where 'Gigi' stays to get so dirty.
In her carrier?

I am not trying to be judgmental.
Yes I am.
I can't help it.
I have seen it happen too many times over the years.

This little girl is starving for attention.
I can feel it.
I have always been able to feel, or sense when a dog is sad, or lonesome, or starving for affection.
And this little girl wants attention!

The mattes were so tight and so dirty, you just know that no one is picking her up and cuddling her because she smells.

After the bath my daughter was able to get a #5F blade through her mats.
'Gigi's' face had to be scissored very short.
The ears and tail were saved.

'Gigi' felt so much better.
'Gigi' still looks so sad.
Her brother the Yorkie looks happy and eager to go home.

We scrubbed her carrier, inside and out. 
She had no towel or blanket in her little carrier.

After I was done for the day, I took 'Gigi' out and carried her around the shop with me.
I played with her on the table.
I talked and talked and talked to her.
I got her to wag her tail.
I told her, "I wished I could take you home and love you."

Don't get me wrong, her owners are nice people.
They come in fairly regularly.
'Gigi' does have the type of hair that does mat easily..so does the Yorkie.
The Yorkie does not come in as dirty and matted as 'Gigi'.
The owner greets the Yorkie with happy squeals and wants to hold him.
'Gigi' goes straight into the carrier.

I think some people don't realize that they are hurting their dogs.
They feed them and get them groomed and think that that is enough.

It's not!

The dogs will always get loving from us, even the naughty ones.

Rant over.

Happy Grooming, MFF
