everything about your dogs

Difficult Dogs

People tell me I am weird because I like to groom difficult dogs.
I don't know what to say to that except...

Yep, I guess I am weird.  :-)

I love the challenge.
I love working with the dog.
I love trying to figure out what it is that bothers the dog.
I love finding ways to work with the dog.
I love showing the dog that grooming can be a pleasant thing.
I love giving the dog a chance.

I am proud to say that I rarely have to turn a dog away.
Some of my most difficult dogs have turned into wonderful grooms.
Some have always stayed biters, but rarely bite me anymore because I respect them and they know that I will not hurt them. (they will bite me if I do :/ )

I try to only groom one difficult dog in a day.

Don't ask me what happened, but for some reason, I had 3 difficult dogs today...and one was a new customer.

Don't let this cute face fool you.
This little girl is a spoiled brat.
I can say that because her Mom and Dad call her that too.  :)

She can be sweet one second, but you even tug on a little natty mat, ( you know the kind, that little teeny, tiny knot that the brush just glides over and you have to pick out with your fingers) she will try to eat you alive.

Boy, can she sound like Cujo when she wants to.

This little guy belongs to one of my long time customers.
His Dad has been coming to me since a year after I started grooming.

He just rescued this guy about 5 months ago.
I have groomed him 4 times.
The rescue did not tell him that the dog was a biter.

I almost lost both of my hands the first time that I groomed him.
Yes, he broke skin.

He is getting better with each groom.
He only got mad at me twice today.
The first time was my fault...I forgot he does not like his body rubbed with the towel.
The second time...no reason, he just felt like it, but it was only a quick nibble.
I think he just wanted to remind me that he still could bite me.

This guy is a rescue.
He is deaf and partially blind.

His Mom called us because her Vet told her to bring him to us, because they wouldn't do him anymore.

He is around 2-3 years old.
After talking to this dogs Mom on the phone, I really was not sure I would be able to groom this dog.

Other grooming shops had sent the dog home, and the Vet didn't want to groom him anymore.

He was pretty dirty and matted.
His Mom told me that when he goes to the Vet's, the Vet tech puts his whole body on the dog while the Vet tries to work on him.

I was so upset when I heard this.
Of course he is biting and fighting.
He was fine when I took him from the owner.
He was fine as I held him, and rubbed him while talking to his Mom.

He went straight into the tub.

He was great in the tub.
I had to talk a lot while rinsing his face.
Once he realized I wasn't going to get water in his nose, he let me finish rinsing his face without anymore fuss.

I kept waiting for this dog to go off.

His Mom told me that every time she gave him a bath, she came out bleeding.

He did great with the drier also.
He was not crazy about it around his face, but he let me dry it.

Still waiting...there must be a trigger somewhere.

He stood there great for the clipping.

He did not like the clipper going down his matted front legs, but he did not bite, and did not fuss too badly.

He like hanging over my backboard.

That was okay with me.

It kept him happy.

He was great about clipping his nails.

Still waiting...

He did fuss a little for his face.
He does not like it brushed or combed.

He didn't fuss anymore then some other dogs I groom.
He did not try to bite at all.

Tell me again why this dog has been thrown out of grooming shops.

I don't get it.

The owners walked in for him ten minutes early, while I was talking him through getting his face scissored.
So, once again I forgot to get a after picture.  :(

Below is a short video of him being clipped.