everything about your dogs

$ Doodle's $

We have been turning away a lot of Doodle's lately.
It's not that I don't like Doodles.
I do.
I like large dogs, and I do like scissoring them.
We only have 3 large kennels in our shop, so we can only book 3 large dogs a day, and just about everyday for this whole year is booked with 3 large dogs.

A couple of weeks ago a lady called to say she had a miniature Labradoodle.
She said that the dog only weighed  about 20-25 pounds, so we booked her.

She came in today.
I really did not know what to expect.
I learned a long time ago that people exaggerate about their dogs size.
When I went into the lobby to check in the dog, there stood what looked like a medium sized cock-a-poo.
A scared to death Cock-a-poo.
Her Mom told me that they had adopted the dog in June from a breeder.

A breeder of Australian Labradoodles.
Miniature Australian Labradoodles.

She said that the dog had had one litter of pups, then had gotten hit by a car.
When she had her next litter, she had to have a C-section.
So the breeder decided to stop breeding her.

Once again I forgot to get a before picture of the dog.
It was so busy today that I just picked her up and put her straight into the tub.
I was half way through the bath before I remembered to take a picture.
I really wish that I had gotten the picture before the bath.

This dog has an unbelievably thick curly coat.
Just picture a large Brillo pad with eyes and a nose.

The new owner was really gun shy about bring the dog in to be groomed.
They had had her groomed twice since June.
The first time, the groomer sliced her back leg wide open with the scissors.
The second grooming, the groomer brought her out and told the owner that the dog needed to be sedated to be groomed.

I stood there rubbing the dog while the owner talked and wondered what in the world this dog had been through in her 3 short years.

Having puppies.
Hit by a car.
More puppies.
Cut during a grooming.
Being groomed by someone who thought she should be sedated.
No wonder she was shaking out of her skin.

I did not comment at all on the other groomers.
I don't talk about other groomers.
I was not there.
I don't know what they did or did not do.
All I know is that I had absolutely no problem with this dog.

Yes, she was a nervous wreck.
Yes, I had to take my time and talk her through some of the grooming.
She was not crazy about having her front legs worked on, but she never tried to bite.
She was very shy, and did not totally trust me.
I saw utterly NO reason why this dog should be sedated.

I  can't say enough how much I love working on these types of dogs.
I love to show these dogs that grooming can be a comfortable experience.

I don't know what the dog looked like after her other two groomings, but from the owners reaction, I am guessing she was not blow dried by hand.
The owner wanted to know how I got her so soft.

Again I wish I had taken a picture of her before the bath.
Picture the tightest curls you have ever seen on a dog.

Miniature Australian Labradoodle after the bath and before the clip.

I soaked her in Best Shot Cream Rinse to loosen up her curls and soften her coat so I could get her as straight as possible.

   Body: 3/4 blade
Legs: 5/8 blade and scissor.
Ears: clip inside of ears with a #10, shape up and layer the outside of the ears.
Head: scissor top of head tight and blend into the ears.
Face: scoop out the corner of the eyes and under the eyes a little to open them up. Leave the eyelashes (owners request). #4f on the beard, scissor mustache to neaten and shape.

Look at that face.

That is a happy dog.

Even though I had to take my time, and talk to her a lot to help her relax, she was a fun groom, and great hair to scissor.
The owner was happy, and made two more appointments.

Oh, when the owner came to pick her up, she told me that this dogs puppies went for $2100 to $2500 a puppy!
I came home and looked up Australian Labradoodles.
Yep, they go for @ $2200.
Mixed breeds going for more then a lot of pure breeds.

Don't get me wrong.
I love mixed breeds, mutts, Hinze57, what ever you want to call them, I love all of them.
I just have a problem with people paying that much money for a mix breed that may or may not shed, while there are so many shelter dogs that need homes.

Okay getting off of my soap box.  :)
I am sure this blog entry will offend someone.  :/

I still like them no matter how much they cost.

Happy Grooming, MFF
