everything about your dogs

Keeping Your Dog Safe During The Holidays

With the holidays here, we are all in the mood for some festivities. We plan parties and cook for celebrations, but what do our pups do? They are still the same clever, curious rascal they ever were. Something that the holiday season does bring some puppy hazards. Everyone wants to enjoy the holidays without a single hiccup, so make sure that you make your home holiday safe for dogs.

Seasonal decorations

The holidays bring about a variety of color and light that make the atmosphere look quite magnificent. But, beware of nosy pups with mischief on the mind. Power cords can be very dangerous for a pup that likes to chew. Make sure they are hidden out of reach so no one gets hurt. Besides lighting, we often decorate our homes with pretty plants such as miseltoe, poinsettia, and holly. Unfortunately, all these plants are actually very toxic- especially for dogs. Consider going with a synthetic likeness that looks just as pretty (and you can use it again next year- save some $$). Besides the house decorations, presents often get decorated, too.
Wrapping paper is fun- for both man and dog, but we don't usually eat it. A pup may find it quite tasty, but will likely just end up with a belly-ache.

Hot dog

Candles make the house look and smell nice, but there is a bit of a hazard to this. A happy tail or a nosy snout can knock a candle over and burn your pup or catch something on fire. If you have candles, keep them up high and never leave the home without making sure they're out. Another concern is the fireplace. Those flickering flames can intrigue a curious pup, so make sure you use a fireplace protector or screen to keep any noses from being singed.

Time for eats!

The festivities and food are going to be almost every dog's weakness. Honestly, who can resist a tasty piece of what's cooking? Items on the table top left unattended can make a likely target for an eagar pup, so keep things out of reach- and no paws on the table. Unfortunately, dogs aren't always the culprit, sometimes they're just the victim of some sneaky hands that tossed them a spoonful off their plate. Make sure that everyone knows not to feed the pup, and if you don't want to take any chances, put your pup somewhere where they won't be tempted. Don't forget to give them their own snacks and toys to enjoy.

The table top isn't the only place a sneaky snout might wander. After all is cooked and eaten, there's likely to be a few leftovers. And where do some leftovers end up? After scraping plates clean, we often end up with some scraps in the garbage can. So make sure to bag it and toss it before anyone gets any ideas.

Now, table scraps might not sound to concerning for some folks, but keep in mind that there are several dinner items that can make a pup a little- or even extremely sick.

Raisins and grapes are notorious for upsetting a pup's belly and often make it to a countertop fruit ornamentation basket. Onions add flavor to a meal, but they aren't any better for a pup. And chocolate is one of the worst, but possibly the most popular for the season. Make sure and keep any and all of these foods out of your pup's reach, and inform visitors not to feed them these specific things.

Along that topic comes the "merry" part of the holidays. We should all eat, drink, and be merry, but pups shouldn't be doing any drinking (even if they aren't driving). Beer and other alcoholic beverages are dangerous to pups bodies. They don't experience it the way we do, and organs such as their liver and kidneys can be damaged very easily by alcohol.

Holidays are supposed to be fun, and you can make them as fun as you want. Just be sure that you keep your pup safe and out of harm's way so you can both enjoy the season festivities.

"Porch Potty - A Dog Owner's Dream Come True, http://porchpotty.com"
