everything about your dogs

Tipping Etiquette

A year after writing the infamously popular blog Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer, its surprising how many people still do not tip for services.
People always have a tendency to contract rather than relax and be generous with what they have.  They live in fear of doing without to such an extent that they don't even realize what a domino effect they create in the world.
They don't consider themselves to be greedy or stingy people at all!  So that means they are ruled by fear.
Funny how most of these particular people are elderly.  Funny because, MY GOD! They've lived this long.....  
You'd think by now they would've figured out that there's more to it than the uncertainty of money.
It has been my experience, (and I'm not yet elderly), that you reap what you sow.... If you sow generously, you reap generously!  You always have as much as you need.
So why after all those years live in fear....?
Even those who lived thru the Great Depression.... lived thru the Great Depression!  What seems like it should've made people stronger, only made most of them more fearful - as if that fear had saved their lives.
I shake my head.......
How miserable to live that way.  Especially for so long!

Give damn it!  Give..... It brings so much joy to everyone!
Tip as generously as you can and then some!
It won't kill ya.  But it will make someone so happy.  How much richer could you be...?

And YES, I follow my own advice.  As a matter of fact, it feels even BETTER to give a generous tip when you're broke!

Another way to give is to share information about incredible service you receive.  "Liking" a facebook page can really boost a business, whether you understand how that works or not!  It does!  Visiting web sites frequently boosts a business rating online.  Leaving comments on Angie's List, Yelp, Google, and any other "review" site makes a tremendous  impact on a business!  I don't care about a paid commercial!  Tell me what the people in my neighborhood thought of that place!

So after you read this, share it!  Go to the facebook page and "Like" it!  Share it on your facebook page so that all your friends and family can see that you've found a great service that they too may use.
This is the upside, the benefit of "social media".

We have bumper stickers that we'll send you for FREE.
We'll send you business cards to pass out for FREE.
Share with your neighbors, your family, your pet sitter, your vet, your doctor, dentist, lawyer, your favorite grocer or pet store.....  Let people know that you love us and they may want to use our services as well.

No one trusts anymore.... That's why it's so important to build a community out of the people close to you.

Thank you all for your kindness and for appreciating our straight-forward approach.
PetGroomer911 girls LOVE what they do!
And we appreciate you back!!
