everything about your dogs

Groom Expos Rescue Round-Up 2013

I finally have some pictures ready to post.
I wish I had more hours in the day. lol

Here are the rest of the contestants from the Rescue Round-Up.
All of the groomers did a great job.

I am sorry that I did not get good before pictures of some of the dogs.
I was using my long lens so that I did not have to get up and walk around a lot with this darn boot on.
Some dogs were also not up on the tables when I was taking before pictures.
And, I will admit that I was concentrating mostly on my daughter.

Enjoy the pictures!

Here are the groomers at work.

Here are Before and Afters of each of the contestants dogs.

Second Place Winner.

Third place winner.

And of course I am going to show my daughters dog again. :)

First Place Winner.

I have more pictures to post of the Abstract contest and Creative.
I will be posting them in the next few days. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
