everything about your dogs

Just A Quick Note

Right now my eyeballs are about to fall out of my head.

I know some things about computers, but there is a lot I don't know.
So, I have spent this evening learning how to make a PDF file.
Turned out to be pretty simple, but it took me forever to find something, or someone to explain just how simple it was.

The PDF file is done, now I just have to find a way to share it that will not cost me money.
I want to share the mat chart and flash cards to my fellow groomers for free, so I am trying to find a way for everyone to download the file without me having to pay a monthly fee.

I have checked a out a few websites that are supposed to be free, but it turns out that the free part is minimal, and I would have to pay monthly for a download to be continually available from my blog.

So, I am still looking.

If there are any teck savvy groomers out there that know about something that would work that I haven't found yet, leave a message in the comments.

One other note;  I have 17 comments waiting that I haven't had a chance to get to yet, so if you left me a question, I will get to them in the next couple of days.
Sorry for the wait.

Happy Grooming, MFF
