everything about your dogs

Mild Panic Attack....

.....over a grooming tool.

Not just any tool mind you.
My Bravura!

I have been wanting to buy a second one, just in case my original Bravura dies on me.
It has been acting up lately.
It was no longer holding its charge for more than about 10 minutes.
It was not that big of a deal, because I could always plug it in.

There are several tools that a groomer could not do without.
A brush.
A comb.
My Bravura.

My Bravura, with its 5in1 blade, is a tool that I just can't groom without.
I had been using the #10, #15, #30, and #40 settings on the 5in1 blade for about 10 years.
I have not used my individual 10, 15, 30, and 40 blades in all of that time.
They have been tucked in a drawer for years.
I am not even sure if any of them are still sharp.

That is how much I love my 5in1 blades.

While grooming my first dog today, a St Poodle, my Bravura started to act up.
It seemed to be slowing down.

I had clipped the Poodles face and three of her feet when my Bravura just died.

It died on me!!

But, I noticed that when I moved it around it would pop back on.
A short?
I jiggled the cord, and sure enough, the cord was shorting out.
If I let the cord just fall naturally, no power.
If I held the cord on a certain direction, I got power.

So, out came my trusty duck tape.

I held the cord in place where I got power, and then taped the cord in place.

I finished clipping the feet with no more problems.

Then I bathed and dried the Poodle.

The duck tape worked.
I had power, until I didn't.

My Bravura died on me again!!!!

 Right in the middle of clipping her legs!

Well, the clipper itself didn't die, it just ran out of charge, because the cord had not been charging it right.

The cord died.

No matter how I jiggled it, or moved it around, I just could not get any power.

Time for a mini panic attack.
I was losing the use of at least four blades all at once.
Plus my clip comb attachments, because I only use them with the #40 on the Bravura.

I needed that clipper!!!

I would have to pull out all my old 10, 15, 30, and 40 blades.
I would have had to clean them.
Oil them.
And then test them to see if they were still sharp.

I was in the middle of grooming my first dog of the day.
I did not need this.

I normally hold on to extra parts of grooming tools that are still good when the rest of a tool has gone bad.
I have a small tool box full of blade pieces and screws if I ever need something to fix a blade.
I have held on to old clippers for the parts.

Unfortunately, this was my first Bravura clipper and I did not have and extra cord......or did I?

Did Wahl use the same cord for charging all of their cordless clippers?
Would the cord of one of my old Chromado clippers work?
Had I kept the cord from the old  Chromado clipper?
Before I could go look, I spotted my miniChromado. (that I hardly ever use)

I quickly grabbed that cord and prayed that Wahl used the same cord for each of their cordless clippers.

IT WORKED!!!!! (happy dance)

Only another groomer would understand my relief and excitement.

Not only did the cord work, but I also noticed that my Bravura was back to its normal strength, and was holding the charge again.

Needless to say, I will be ordering another Bravura.
I must have a backup.
Next time it may not be just a fixable cord problem.

So, hold on to those extra salvageable pieces of your old, or broken grooming tools, you never know when they may be a lifesaver. 
I got very lucky today. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
