everything about your dogs

Not My Best Groom.....

....BUT I did my best. :)

I am taking a break from working on my business taxes to talk about a Shih-tzu that I groomed the other day.
(I have so many numbers spinning in my head I can't see straight.)

Anyway, I have a long time Shih-tzu customer that is a very sweet dog, but I truly feel that he is mentally challenged.
This particular Shih-tzu, even though he is now around 12 years old, has always acted like a young puppy, but yet not a puppy.
The only difference is that he truly does not seem to understand what you want him to do.
It is very hard to explain.
He is non stop motion at all times.
Worst of all he is what I call a bobble-head.

Just imagine one of those bobble-heads, whose head bobbles up and down and sideways constantly, as you try to scissor the head and face.
He is not jerking away from the scissors, or pulling away from your hold.
His head is just in a constant state of movement while grooming.
I had to use my sports setting on my camera to get a picture that would not be blurry.

I am sharing this little man with everyone because I am very proud of him.

This is him before his groom.

You may not be able to tell, but he had both of his eyes removed about 8 weeks ago.

He had severe glaucoma in both eyes.

Medicine was not longer helping control the pressure and pain.

Although, because of his happy nature, you would not have known that he was in pain.

The only signs that he showed that he was in pain, was that he would shake his head a lot and walk into walls a lot, both of which he has stopped doing since his surgery.
The only two choices the owners had left, were to put him to sleep, or remove both eyes.

His owners were so worried about him losing both of his eyes, but I told them that I thought he would handle it well, because of his happy disposition.
I am so happy that he proved me right.

He is still a very happy, sweet dog.
He is still constant motion.
He is still a bobble-head.
He is NO  LONGER in any pain!!

His owner did want me to leave hair in front of his eye socks so that it would not look obvious that he had no eyes.

 Lets just say...I did my best.

As I said before, he is my little bobble head.

Up, down, up, down, left, right, up, left, down, right, up.....that is all while you are trying to scissor a nice round face and head.

Oh, and God forbid someone walks into the groom room while I am scissoring his head.

Even though he can not see, he could still hear his toy Poodle friend yap like crazy every time someone walked into the grooming room.

 So, I think he still looks cute, even without his eyes and the less than great job I did scissoring his head.

AND, he sure does look happy to me.

Oh, one other thing, for anyone reading my blog that is not a groomer.

I am not choking him in the pictures.
 I am holding him back from walking right off of the edge of my table.

For some unknown reason, blind dogs love to walk all over the grooming table as though there were no edge to the table at all and nothing to worry about.
It always amazes me how blind dogs will so confidently walk forward without a care in the world, as though they can see just fine. 

If only we humans could take changes in our lives in stride like our furry friends. :)

If only I could take doing my taxes in stride.....
