everything about your dogs

Just For Fun

I have a Shih-tzu that I groom whose owner likes the hair pulled back on the top of his head.
His hair is so long.
He also loves to dig his head into his towel, in his kennel, after I finish grooming him.
I used to have to take him back and redo the top of his head.
I have learned that if I stand next to his kennel after I finish his grooming, and wait, all I have to do is say 'no' when he starts digging at the towel and he will not dig his head.
Thankfully he doesn't try again after I walk away. :)

I usually either pulled his hair up in one topknot or two.
Today I thought that I would try something a little different.

So, I thought that I would try to create a little design with the rubber bands.


  It is not as neat and straight as I would have liked but, he likes to look all around the room while I am working on him.

I topped it off with a bow.

I didn't like how so much hair was still hanging down on the sides of the face.

 I did not want to take everything down and start over again.

So, I took a small section of hair on each side of the head and pulled it back behind the bow.

That's better.
Now the hair on the sides of his face will not fall into his face when he lowers his head.

Thankfully he did not dig at the top of his head, and he still looked nice when his owner picked him up.

I really have to try and remember to ask her how long this lasted after she got him home. :)
